Australian Law Reform Commission
The Division of the ALRC constituted under the Australian Law Reform Commission Act 1996 (Cth) for the purposes of this Inquiry comprises the following:
- Professor David Weisbrot (President)
- Professor Les McCrimmon (Commissioner in charge)
- Professor Rosalind Croucher (Commissioner) (from February 2007)
- Justice Berna Collier (part-time Commissioner) (from October 2007)
- Justice Robert French (part-time Commissioner) (from July 2006)
- Justice Susan Kenny (part-time Commissioner)
- Justice Susan Kiefel (part-time Commissioner) (until September 2007)
Senior Legal Officers
- Carolyn Adams
- Bruce Alston
- Kate Connors (until December 2006 and from January 2008)
- Isabella Cosenza (until December 2006 and from January 2008)
- Jonathan Dobinson
- Alex O’Mara (from February 2008)
Legal Officers
- Lisa Eckstein (from August 2007)
- Althea Gibson (until March 2007 and from March 2008)
- Lauren Jamieson (until January 2008)
- Huette Lam
- Erin Mackay (from March 2007)
- Edward Santow (until December 2007)
- Peter Turner (until August 2006)
Research Manager
Lani Blackman
Carolyn Kearney
Project Assistants
Alayne Harland
Tina O’Brien
Legal Interns
Megan Caristo
Justin Carter
Elizabeth Crook
Joash Dache
Maggie Fung
Kirsty Hughes
Dawnie Lam
Miranda Lello
Robert Mullins
Danni Nicholas-Sexton
Elnaz Nikibin
Michael Ostroff
Christina Raymond
Fiona Roughley
Teneille Steptoe
Keelyann Thomson
Christina Trahanas
Michelle Tse
Jocelyn Williams
SooJin Yoon
Advisory Committee Members
- Dr Bridget Bainbridge, National E-Health Transition Authority
- Ms Robin Banks, Public Interest Advocacy Centre
- Mr Paul Chadwick, Consultant (formerly Victorian Privacy Commissioner) (until January 2007)
- Ms Karen Curtis, Privacy Commissioner
- Mr Peter Ford, Privacy, Security and Telecommunications Consultant
- Mr Ian Gilbert, Australian Bankers’ Association
- Mr Duncan Giles, Freehills Solicitors
- Professor Margaret Jackson, School of Accounting and Law, RMIT University
- Ms Helen Lewin, Telstra Corporation
- Associate Professor Roger Magnusson, Faculty of Law, University of Sydney
- Associate Professor Moira Paterson, Faculty of Law, Monash University
- Ms Joan Sheedy, Privacy and FOI Policy Branch, Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet
- Mr Peter Shoyer, Executive Director of Court Support & Independent Offices, Department of Justice (NT) (formerly Northern Territory Information Commissioner)
- Professor Colin Thomson, National Health and Medical Research Council
- Mr Nigel Waters, Pacific Privacy Consulting
- Ms Beth Wilson, Health Services Commissioner (Vic)
- Ms Sue Vardon, Department for Families and Communities (SA)
Credit Reporting Advisory Sub–Committee
- Ms Carolyn Bond, Consumer Action Law Centre
- Ms Christine Christian, Dun and Bradstreet Pty Ltd
- Ms Karen Cox, Consumer Credit Legal Centre (NSW)
- Mr Ian Gilbert, Australian Bankers’ Association
- Ms Helen Gordon, Australian Finance Conference
- Mr David Grafton, Commonwealth Bank of Australia
- Ms Erica Hughes, Veda Advantage (from September 2007)
- Ms Loretta Kreet, Legal Aid Queensland
- Mr Andrew Want, Veda Advantage (until September 2007)
- Mr Nigel Waters, Pacific Privacy Consulting
- Ms Kerstin Wijeyewardene, Department of the Treasury (Cth)
Developing Technology Advisory Sub–Committee
- Mr Paul Budde, Managing Director, BuddeComm
- Professor William Caelli, Director Information Assurance, International Information Security Consultants Pty Ltd and Faculty of Information Technology, QUT
- Mr Chris Cheah, Australian Communications and Media Authority
- Professor Peter Croll, Professor of Software Engineering, Faculty of Information Technology, QUT
- Mr Malcolm Crompton, Information Integrity Solutions Pty Ltd
- Professor Graham Greenleaf, Faculty of Law, University of New South Wales
- Professor Margaret Jackson, School of Accounting and Law, RMIT University
- Mr David Jonas, Convergence e-Business Solutions Pty Ltd
- Mr Greg Stone, National Technology Officer, Microsoft Pty Ltd
- Mr Martin Stewart-Weeks, Internet Business Solutions Group, Cisco Systems Australia Pty Ltd
- Professor Michael Wagner, National Centre for Biometric Studies, University of Canberra
- Mr Stephen Wilson, Lockstep Consulting
Health Advisory Sub–Committee
- Ms Amanda Adrian, Australian Nursing Federation
- Ms Melanie Cantwell, Consumers’ Health Forum of Australia Inc
- Professor David Hill, The Cancer Council (Vic)
- Ms Anna Johnston, Australian Privacy Foundation
- Dr Graeme Miller, Family Medicine Research Centre
- Ms Julia Nesbitt, Australian Medical Association (until September 2007)
- Professor Margaret Otlowski, Faculty of Law, University of Tasmania
- Ms Dianne Scott, Department of Human Services (Vic)
- Dr Heather Wellington, Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre