Online Communications

The ALRC Website

The redeveloped ALRC website was launched on 28 August 2010.

Key design features include:

  • A more inviting look and feel, to encourage user engagement
  • A high degree of compliance with WCAG 2.0 accessibility standards
  • Simplified navigation and architecture for better usability
  • A more user-friendly and accessible presentation of ALRC publications

Key functional features include:

  • The integration of the site with Drupal CMS, for more efficient workflow
  • Integrated Web 2.0 tools (such as forums, blogs, etc)
  • Integrated with social media (eg, Twitter and Facebook)
  • Online submission forms


From the launch of the new site on 28 August 2010 to 30 June 2011:

  • 265,921 Visits
  • 1,612,878 Page views
  • 170,114 Unique visitors

With the launch of the new site the ALRC switched to a different tool for gathering website statistics. As the metrics between the old and new tools differ significantly, comparing these figures with earlier traffic figures would be misleading and make comparisons difficult.

Screengrab of a Twitter conversation: "big kudos to @AusLawReform for a great use of twitter by a government agency"


The ALRC Twitter feed (@AusLawReform) has become an important avenue for informing the public about the ALRC’s current inquiries and consultations, implementation of ALRC recommendations, the intern program, and the Commission’s work generally. Not just a one-way information channel, Twitter allows the ALRC to respond to questions and even engage in conversations.

At 30 June 2011, the number of followers had increased from around 500 (in June 2010) to 1870.


During the reporting period the ALRC published an e-newsletter for each of its current inquiries. Subscription is opt-in and happens mostly via forms on the website.

Table 11: Inquiry E-news 2010–11

Inquiry Subscribers Issues to date
Discovery of Documents in Federal Courts 238 9
Commonwealth Laws and Family Violence 329 8
National Classification Scheme Review 208 6

In March 2011 the ALRC published the inaugural edition of the ALRC Brief. Unlike the inquiry e-newsletters, the Brief describes ALRC work more generally and will typically feature:

  • An update on current inquiries;
  • Implementation of ALRC recommendations from past reports;
  • Information about the ALRC intern program; and
  • Progress on RAP initiatives.

ALRC Blogs

During the reporting period the ALRC launched two new blogs: one for the Commonwealth Laws and Family Violence Inquiry, and another for the Inquiry into the Discovery of Documents in Federal Courts. The ALRC’s inquiry-based blogs work together with the e-newsletters to encourage greater engagement with the ALRC’s inquiries, to increase transparency and facilitate greater understanding of the inquiry process.

Commonwealth Laws and Family Violence blog (launched on 17 November 2010):

  • 1,272 visits
  • 797 unique visitors

Discovery of Documents in Federal Courts blog (launched 3 August 2010):

  • 2,331 visits
  • 1,477 Unique Visitors

The Discovery Blog was closed for commenting on 21 April 2011, following the completion of the Inquiry and tabling of the Final Report.


The ALRC began experimenting with podcasts, or audio recordings, as an additional means of communicating with the public. Examples include: