Public Presentations 2010–11
Date | Presentation |
20 July 2010 | The President, Professor Rosalind Croucher attended the Family Law System Conference in Canberra and gave a presentation, ‘Information Sharing—Family Violence and the Challenge of Silos’. |
29 July 2010 | The President, Professor Rosalind Croucher, gave a keynote address ‘Celebrating Women in the Judiciary’ to the Women Lawyers’ Association of New South Wales. |
6–8 August 2010 | The President, Professor Rosalind Croucher gave a presentation, ‘Key Issues from the ALRC Family Violence Inquiry’, at the Australian Women Lawyers’ Third National Conference—Justice for All—held in Brisbane. |
9–10 September 2010 | The Australasian Law Reform Agencies Conference (ALRAC) 2010 Law Reform: Relationships and the Future, in Brisbane was attended by President, Professor Rosalind Croucher; Part-time Commissioner, Justice Susan Kenny; Executive Director, Sabina Wynn; Website Manager, Marie-Claire Muir; and Legal Officer, Amanda Alford. Presentations were given by Professor Rosalind Croucher, ‘Relationships with other law reformers—Joint law reform projects’; Justice Susan Kenny, ‘The relationship between the judiciary and law reform bodies’; and Sabina Wynn and Marie-Claire Muir, gave a joint presentation, ‘Online Communications and the Public’. |
20 October 2010 | Legal Officer, Amanda Alford spoke at the Kingsford Legal Centre Diverse Legal Careers Forum, Sydney. |
3 November 2010 | Website Manager, Marie-Claire Muir and Executive Director, Sabina Wynn, gave a joint presentation ‘Opening up the conversation’, at the CEBIT Australia Gov 2.0 Conference held in Canberra. |
16 November 2010 | The President, Professor Rosalind Croucher presented, ‘Uniform Succession Law in Australia—2010 progress report’ at the SA Law Society’s Succession Law Conference, Adelaide. |
19 November 2010 | Senior Legal Officers, Bruce Alston and Isabella Cosenza participated by telephone in the Family Law Forum lead by the Deputy Chief Justice of the Family Court of Australia. Ms Cosenza gave a summary of the Family Violence Inquiry and Mr Alston spoke about the Terms of Reference for the Commonwealth Family Violence Inquiry. |
25 November 2010 | The President, Professor Rosalind Croucher and Bruce Alston, Senior Legal Officer, were witnesses at the Senate Finance and Public Administration Legislation Committee: Public Hearing on Exposure Drafts of the Australian Privacy Amendment Legislation, by telephone. |
6 December 2010 | Website Manager, Marie-Claire Muir, gave a presentation ‘The ALRC’s Online Engagement Strategy’ at the Social Networking Technologies Workshop, Legal Aid Commission, held in Sydney. |
9 February 2011 | The President, Professor Rosalind Croucher and Legal Officer, Sara Peel, co-presented ‘Family Violence and Commonwealth Laws: Child Support Law and the ALRC’s Project’ at the Child Support National Stakeholder Engagement Group meeting in Canberra. |
11 February 2011 | The President, Professor Rosalind Croucher; Executive Director, Sabina Wynn; and Senior Legal Officer, Bruce Alston, attended the Legal and Constitutional Affairs References Committee public hearing for its inquiry into the ALRC. The President answered questions regarding matters raised in the ALRC’s and other submissions made to the Inquiry. The public hearing was held at Parliament House, Canberra. |
1 March 2011 | Legal Officer, Sara Peel, gave a presentation ‘Family Violence and Commonwealth Laws: Child Support Law and the ALRC’s Project’, at the Child Support State Engagement Group meeting in Parramatta. |
7 March 2011 | The President, Professor Rosalind Croucher while in Papua New Guinea met with the Hon Joe Mek Teine, Chairman; T Kamuta, Acting Sectary; Isaiah Chillian, Deputy Sectary; and Namai Puka Areni, Senior Legal Officer, of the Papua New Guinea Law Reform Commission. |
24 March 2011 | The President, Professor Rosalind Croucher and the Hon Justice Susan Kenny gave a joint presentation ‘Secrecy Provisions—Policy and Practice’, at the National Information Law Conference, held in Canberra. |
14 April 2011 | Senior Legal Officer, Patrick Collins gave a presentation, ‘Managing Discovery: discovery of documents in federal courts’, at the E-Discovery Asia Pacific Forum in Melbourne. |
30–31 May 2011 | Senior Legal Officer, Virginia Marshall and Legal Officer, Amanda Alford, presented ‘The ALRC and Indigenous People—Continuing the Conversation’ at the 7th Annual Indigenous Family Violence Prevention Legal Forum, Mackay. |
7 June 2011 | Commissioner, Professor Terry Flew presented a paper, ‘The ALRC Review of the National Classification System’, at the Classification Enforcement Contacts Forum in Sydney. |
Articles Written for External Publications
- Executive Director, Sabina Wynn wrote an article for the Law Institute Journal (Vic) on online consultation strategies for the Family Violence Inquiry, July 2010.
- President, Professor Rosalind Croucher and Emeritus Professor Hilary Astor, Commissioner at the New South Wales Law Reform Commission, co-wrote ‘Fractured Families, Fragmented Responsibilities—Responding to Family Violence in Federal System’ for the University of NSW Law Journal—Forum edition, November 2010.
- President, Professor Rosalind Croucher and Legal Officer, Amanda Alford wrote a joint article ‘The ALRC and Indigenous People—Continuing the Conversation’, for the Indigenous Law Bulletin, December 2010. The article was published in the Jan/Feb edition and is also published on the ALRC website.
- President, Professor Rosalind Croucher and Emeritus Professor Hilary Astor, Commissioner at the New South Wales Law Reform Commission, co-wrote ‘Family Violence Victims Seeking Clear Path to Help’, for the Law Institute Journal (Vic), December 2010.
- Legal Officer, Khanh Hoang, wrote an article for inclusion in the Law Institute Journal (Vic) entitled ‘ALRC Family Violence Report—A National Legal Response’, February 2011.
- Legal Officer, Krista Lee-Jones, wrote an article for inclusion in the Law Institute Journal (Vic) entitled ‘More work to do—A follow-up ALRC inquiry on family violence’ that outlined the new Commonwealth Laws and Family Violence reference, April 2011.
- President, Professor Rosalind Croucher and Senior Legal Officer, Jared Boorer, wrote an article on the Discovery Final Report, ‘Reining in discovery’, for Civil Procedure News NSW, LexisNexis Butterworths, June 2011.
- Commissioner, Professor Terry Flew, wrote an article on the National Classification Review entitled, ‘Sense and Censorability’ for the Law Institute Journal (Vic), June 2011.