Parliamentary scrutiny
Representatives of the ALRC regularly appear at Senate Estimates Committee hearings to answer questions about the ALRC’s operations.
Executive Director, Sabina Wynn attended the Senate Supplementary Budget Estimates Hearing on October 18, 2010 as the President, Professor Rosalind Croucher was on annual leave.
President, Professor Rosalind Croucher and Executive Director, Sabina Wynn attended Additional Estimates Hearings on 22 February 2011.
President, Professor Rosalind Croucher and Executive Director, Sabina Wynn attended Budget Estimates on 25 May 2011.
The ALRC received and responded to 11 Questions on Notice (QON) during 2010–11 including:
- QON 83 on Consultancy Services and Contracts
- QON 84 on Austender Reporting
- QON 86 on a number of specific Consultancy firms and whether the agency has used any of their services
- QON 89 on Commissioned Reports
- QON 95 on Current Reviews
- QON 96 on Payments of Accounts
- QON 102 on Whole-of-Government Coordinated Procurement for travel and related services
- QON 103 on the Commonwealth Property Management Framework.
- QON 104 from Senator Barnett regarding the 2009–10 Mid Year Economic and Fiscal Outlook detailing whole-of-government departmental efficiencies.
- QON 31 regarding rent costs for the ALRC as a result of moving office
- QON re the Australian Privacy Amendment Legislation from the Senate Finance and Public Administration Committee.
Court and tribunal decisions
There were no judicial decisions or decisions of administrative tribunals during 2010–11 that involved the ALRC or had a significant impact on the operations of the ALRC.
Commonwealth Ombudsman
No issues relating to the ALRC were referred to the Commonwealth Ombudsman’s office.