Appendix 3: Proposed classification markings

This symbol shows a black capital letter C inside a white triangle

C – Children

Very mild content

Material classified C must be specifically made for children.



This symbol shows a white capital G inside a white bordered triangle. This sits on a green square background.

G – General

Very mild content

Material classified G is for a general audience. However, it does not necessarily indicate that children will enjoy the content. Some G content includes themes, story-lines or game-play that do not interest children.


This symbol shows the black capital letters PG inside a black bordered rectangle. Outside to the right of the rectangle is a black number 8 and plus sign. The entire symbol is on a yellow square background.

PG – Parental Guidance

Mild content

Material classified PG may contain material which some children find confusing or upsetting, and may require the guidance of parents or guardians. It is not recommended for persons under eight years of age.


This symbol shows a white capital T inside a white bordered circle. Immediately outside to the right of the circle is a white number 13 and plus sign. The entire symbol is on a light blue square background.

T – Teen

Moderate content

Material classified T is not recommended for persons under 13 of age.



This symbol shows the white capital letters MA inside a white bordered hexagon. Immediately outside to the right of the hexagon is a white number 15 and plus sign. The symbol is on a red square background.

MA 15+ – Mature Audience

Strong content

Material classified MA 15+ is considered unsuitable for persons under 15 years of age.



This symbol shows a white capital R inside a white bordered diamond. Immediately outside and on the right of the diamond is a white number 18 and plus sign. Underneath this type is a white line and beneath the line is the word Restricted in white capital letters. The entire symbol is on a black square background.

R 18+ – Restricted

High level content

This content is legally restricted to adults. Some material classified R18+ may be offensive to sections of the adult community.



This symbol shows a white capital X inside a white bordered square. Immediately outside and on the right of the square is a white number 18 and plus sign. Underneath this type is a white line and beneath the line is the word Restricted in white capital letters. The symbol is on a black square background.

X 18+ – Restricted

This classification is a special and legally restricted category which contains only sexually explicit material. That is, material which contains real depictions of actual sexual intercourse and other sexual activity between consenting adults.