
9.1 This chapter considers the classification categories and criteria used to classify content across different media, formats and platforms in Australia. The ALRC proposes that these be consolidated and harmonised, and that the Classification of Media Content Act should provide for the following set of classification categories:

  • C (Children);
  • G (General);
  • PG 8+ (Parental Guidance);
  • T 13+ (Teen);
  • MA 15+ (Mature Audience);
  • R 18+ (Restricted);
  • X 18+ (Restricted); and
  • RC (Refused Classification).[1]

9.2 The ALRC also proposes that classifiers must assign consumer advice (such as ‘Strong violence’ or ‘Moderate coarse language’) to all content they classify, except content classified C or G. Classifiers operating under the proposed new National Classification Scheme should also use the one set of statutory classification criteria to make classification decisions, although industry codes of practice may describe the criteria in more detail and explain their application to specific media. The statutory criteria and their elaboration in industry codes should be reviewed every five years in consultation with stakeholders and the community and in light of relevant research.

[1] Proposed classification markings appear in Appendix 3.