Last updated 2 August 2022
ALRC Surveys and Case Review
To inform its final recommendations in the Inquiry the ALRC conducted four surveys of key stakeholders and carried out a systematic review of published judgments of Commonwealth courts referring to recusal and disqualification.
A summary of the methodologies used, data collected, and relevant findings is provided in Chapter 5 of the Final Report. Further detail on methodology is provided in Appendix F of the Final Report.
Documentation and Data
Below are links to supporting documentation for each of the surveys and the case review, select data from the ALRC Survey of Lawyers and ALRC Survey of Court Users, and full data from the ALRC Case Review.
- Members of the public – Australian Survey of Social Attitudes 2020 (AuSSA)
- Federal Judiciary – ALRC Survey of Judges
- Practitioners – ALRC Survey of Lawyers
- Court Users – ALRC Survey of Court Users
- Systematic review of published judgments on recusal and disqualification – ALRC Case Review
Note on publication of survey data
The ALRC has published raw data from surveys on its website where it can do so while respecting participant confidentiality. The data published excludes open text responses and some demographic data. Researchers interested in accessing further raw data are invited to contact the ALRC directly. Data for AuSSA 2020 will be made public by the survey’s administering body in 2024.