1.56 This Discussion Paper is intended to encourage and facilitate informed community participation in the Inquiry. The ALRC invites individuals and organisations to make submissions in response to the specific proposals and questions contained in this Discussion Paper, or to any of the background material and analysis.
1.57 Submissions provide important evidence to each inquiry, and it is common for the ALRC to draw upon the contents of submissions and to quote from them or refer to them in publications.
1.58 There is no specified format for submissions, although the proposals provided in this document are intended to provide guidance for respondents. Submissions may be made in writing, by email or using the online submission form. Submissions made using the online submission form are preferred.
1.59 Generally, submissions will be published on the ALRC website unless marked confidential. Confidential submissions, although not published on the ALRC website, may still be the subject of a request for access under the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (Cth). In the absence of a clear indication that a submission is intended to be confidential, the ALRC will treat the submission as public. The ALRC does not publish anonymous submissions.
Given the short timeframe for this Inquiry, submissions must reach the ALRC by 4 September 2017 to ensure consideration for the Final Report.
Submissions using the ALRC’s online submission form can be made at: https://www.alrc.gov.au/content/indigenous-incarceration-dp84-make-submission
Alternatively, pre-prepared submissions may be mailed, faxed or emailed, to:
The Executive Director
Australian Law Reform Commission
GPO Box 3708
Sydney NSW 2001
Email: indigenous-incarceration@alrc.gov.au
Facsimile: +61 2 8238 6363