The ALRC first developed its Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) in 2009. In April 2012 this plan was updated following a close consideration of our achievements to date and the lessons learnt since the original plan was developed. The ALRC’s RAP for 2012–14 is available on the ALRC website.
The ALRC sees reconciliation between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians as comprising both processes and outcomes. Both of these things require meaningful and ongoing dialogue between Indigenous peoples and the ALRC. For the ALRC, respect for Indigenous peoples; participation and representation of Indigenous peoples; and consideration and understanding of issues that are important to Indigenous peoples are essential features of the journey to, and achievement of, reconciliation in Australia.
The ALRC recognises that our RAP needs to achieve practical outcomes. Therefore, we commit under our RAP to:
- engage and consult with Indigenous groups, individuals and organisations;
- promote Indigenous representation in the ALRC workforce and internship program;
- promote a meaningful understanding of issues relevant to Indigenous peoples amongst ALRC staff;
- consider the impact on Indigenous peoples in developing recommendations for reform; and
- strive in all aspects of our work to protect and promote the rights of Indigenous peoples.
In June 2012, ALRC staff participated in Indigenous cross cultural training facilitated by Jade Kennedy from Arrilla Indigenous Training and Development Consultants. This one day workshop held at Tranby Aboriginal College, assisted the further development of consultation strategies and engagement with Indigenous communities.
The ALRC has developed a number of resources relating to Indigenous consultation and law reform issues since its first RAP in 2009 including a specialised information sheet, Family Violence and Commonwealth Laws—Indigenous Peoplesthat outlines the key recommendations concerning Indigenous peoples that were made in the 2011–12 Family Violence and Commonwealth Laws inquiry and an Indigenous consultation plan that was produced to inform consultation strategies for the Family Violence inquiry in 2010. The ALRC also produced a podcast interview with Professor Rosalind Croucher that covered the key recommendations of the inquiry of relevance to Indigenous communities, and furthered both our consultation with and feedback to our Indigenous stakeholders.
In May 2012, the ALRC joined other agencies in the Attorney-General’s portfolio in signing and supporting the Attorney-General’s Indigenous Statement of Commitment.
As part of NAIDOC week 2012, the ALRC publically acknowledged and thanked, on our website, the Indigenous organisations who have contributed to our work in recent and current inquiries including:
- Aboriginal Family Law Services, Perth
- Aboriginal Family Violence Prevention and Legal Service Victoria
- Aboriginal Legal Service of Western Australia
- Emily Webster, Central Australian Aboriginal Legal Aid Service
- Virginia Marshall, Senior Legal Officer, Family Violence and Commonwealth Laws inquiry
- Jade Kennedy, Arrilla Indigenous Training and Development Consultants
- Reconciliation Australia
In meeting with the ALRC for consultations and by providing written submissions, these stakeholders have given generously of their time and support to ALRC law reform processes.
The ALRC’s report on its RAP for 2011–2012 is included on our website.