Commonwealth Laws and Family Violence
Advisory roundtable
- Justine Susan Kenny, Federal Court of Australia, Melbourne
- Justice Berna Collier, Federal Court of Australia, Brisbane
- Justice Nahum Mushin, Family Court of Australia, Melbourne
- Professor Terry Carney, Institute of Criminology, University of Sydney
- Toni Brown, Director, Parent Support Services, Child Support Program, Department of Human Services
- Ludo McFerran, Project Officer, Australian Domestic and Family Violence Clearinghouse
Expert panel members
Child support
- Prem Aleema, Director, Child Support Team, Office of the Commonwealth Ombudsman
- Cameron Brown, Director, Cross Payment Management, Income Support Programs Branch, Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations
- Sally Cole, Solicitor, Legal Aid NSW
- Jennifer Cooke, First Assistant Secretary, Program Management, Child Support Agency
- Lee Hansen, Principal Solicitor, Welfare Rights Centre
- Professor Patrick Parkinson, Sydney Law School, University of Sydney
- Professor Bruce Smyth, Australian National University
- Catherine Davis, Women’s Committee, Australian Council of Trade Unions and Women’s Officer, Australian Education Union
- David Gregory, Director Workplace Policy, Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry
- Therese MacDermott, Senior Lecturer, Macquarie Law School
- Ludo McFerran, Project Officer, Australian Domestic and Family Violence Clearinghouse
- Sarah McKinnon, Principal Government Lawyer, Bargaining and Coverage Branch, Workplace Relations Legal Group, Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations
- Belinda Tkalcevic, Industrial Officer, Australian Council of Trade Unions
- Professor Mary Crock, Sydney Law School, University of Sydney
- Robert Day, Director, Family Section, Family and Health Policy Branch, Department of Immigration and Citizenship
- Chris Yuen, then Principal Solicitor, Immigration Advice and Rights Centre Inc
Social security
- Cameron Brown, Director, Cross Payment Management, Income Support Programs Branch, Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations
- Professor Terry Carney, Sydney Law School, University of Sydney
- Jennifer Cooke, First Assistant Secretary, Program Management, Child Support Agency
- Paul Cramer, Section Manager, Communities NSW/ACT, Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs
- Alison Frame, First Assistant Secretary, Social Policy Delivery and Planning, Department of Human Services
- Lee Hansen, Principal Solicitor, Welfare Rights Centre
- Justine Jones, Director, Social Support Team, Office of the Commonwealth Ombudsman
- Tom Garcia, Policy and Regulatory Manager, Australian Institute of Superannuation Trustees
- David Graus, General Manager Policy and Industry Practice, Association of Superannuation Funds of Australia
- Tony Keir, Senior Policy Adviser, Association of Superannuation Funds of Australia
- Michelle Levy, Law Council of Australia Superannuation Committee (Legal Practice Section) and Partner, Mallesons Stephen Jaques
Expert reader
Income management
Emily Webster, Welfare Rights Lawyer, Central Australian Aboriginal Legal Aid Service.
Censorship and Classification
Advisory committee members
- Dr Jeffrey Brand, Associate Dean and Head of School of Communication and Media, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Bond University
- Associate Professor Jane Burns, Chief Executive Officer, Young and Well Co-operative Research Centre
- Simon Bush, Chief Executive Officer, Australian Home Entertainment Distributors Association
- Simon Cordina, Assistant Secretary, Cyber-Safety and Trade, Department of Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy
- David Court, Head of the Centre for Screen Business, Australian Film, Television and Radio School
- Ron Curry, Chief Executive Officer, Interactive Games & Entertainment Association
- Jane Fitzgerald, Assistant Secretary, Classification Branch, Attorney-General’s Department
- Iarla Flynn, Head of Public Policy and Government Affairs, Google Australia and New Zealand
- Fiona Jolly, Chief Executive Officer, Advertising Standards Bureau
- Tom Kennedy, Executive Director, Group Digital Services, Omnilab Media
- Bryce Menzies, Marshall + Dent Lawyers
- Donald McDonald AC, Director, Classification Board
- Louise McElvogue, Convergence Review Committee
- Jonquil Ritter, Executive Director, Citizen and Community Branch, Australian Communications and Media Authority
- Tim Watts, Regulatory Manager, Regulatory Affairs, Strategy and Corporate Services, Telstra
Expert Readers
- Peter Coroneos, Consultant, former Chief Executive of Internet Industry Association
- Nick Gouliaditis, Senior Lawyer, Australian Government Solicitor
Age Barriers to Work
Advisory committee members
- Emeritus Professor Terry Carney, Faculty of Law, University of Sydney
- The Hon Justice Berna Collier, Federal Court of Australia, Brisbane
- Anne de Salis, Director ME, Sydney
- Anne Lampe, Freelance Journalist, Sydney
- Emeritus Professor Ron McCallum AO, UN Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities , University of Sydney, Sydney
- Therese MacDermott, Senior Lecturer, Macquarie University, Sydney
- Michael O’Neill, Chief Executive, National Seniors Australia, Brisbane
- Professor John Piggott, ARC Centre of Excellence in Population Ageing Research, Sydney
- The Hon Susan Ryan AO, Age Discrimination Commissioner, Sydney
- Professor Philip Taylor, Director, Research and Graduate Studies, Monash University, Victoria
Copyright and the Digital Economy
Advisory Committee Members
- Charles Alexander, Partner, Minter Ellison, Sydney
- Professor Kathy Bowrey, Faculty of Law, University of New South Wales, Sydney
- Professor Tom Cochrane, QUT Chair, Australian Libraries Copyright Committee, Brisbane
- Teresa Corbin, CEO, ACANN (Consumer Group)
- Carolyn Dalton, Executive Director, Policy Australia, Sydney
- Henry Ergas, Consultant, Syd-Canberra
- Patrick Fair, Baker & McKenzie and Deputy Chairman, Internet Industry Association, Sydney
- Professor Brian Fitzgerald, Executive Dean of Law, Australian Catholic University, Melbourne
- Mia Garlick, Communications & Policy for Facebook, Sydney
- Dr Nicholas Gruen, Chief Executive Officer, Lateral Economics, Melbourne
- Michael Hall, Barrister, Sydney
- Terrie Janke, Terri Janke and Company, Sydney
- The Hon Justice Susan Kenny, Federal Court of Australia, Melbourne
- Dr The Hon Kevin Lindgren QC, Sydney
- Associate Professor David Lindsay, Monash University, Melbourne
- Caroline Lovell, NBN Co, Sydney
- Professor Martin Nakata, Director Nura Gili, Sydney
- Matthew Minogue, First Assistant Secretary, Civil Law Division, Attorney-General’s Department, Canberra
- Emeritus Professor Dennis Pearce AO, HWL Ebsworth Lawyers Special Counsel, Canberra
- Fiona Phillips, Executive Director, Australian Copyright Council, Sydney
- Professor Sam Ricketson, University of Melbourne, Melbourne
- Ishtar Vij, Public Policy and Government Affairs, Google Australia and New Zealand, Sydney
- Associate Professor Kimberlee Weatherall, Sydney Law School, University of NSW, Sydney
- The Hon Justice David Yates, Federal Court of Australia, Sydney