Summary of Financial Performance

Financial outcomes

Operating Outcome

The 2009–10 financial statements show an operating deficit of $0.131m. This deficit is due to the Commission being referred a third inquiry, the Family Violence Inquiry, while the Commission was still fully engaged on two other inquiries. This necessitated employing a number of additional staff to work on the Family Violence Inquiry for a limited period. The total sum amounted to $0.121m.

Operating Revenue

The ALRC’s operating revenue of $3.450m comprised revenue from government of $3.387m, revenue from sale of goods (publications) of $0.005m and interest of $0.058m.

Operating Expenses

Total operating expenses of $3.581m were $0.148m more than in 2008–09. The ALRC’s depreciation and amortisation expense increased by $0.031m.


The ALRC’s total equity increased by $0.193m primarily due to a revaluation of assets which increased the reserves from $0.062m to $0.386m. The Commission carried out a revaluation of all asset classes as at 30 June 2010. This included revaluing leasehold fit-out for the first time (increase of $188,000).

Total Assets

The ALRC’s total assets decreased by $0.039m.

Total Liabilities

The ALRC’s total liabilities decreased by $0.232m.

Cash Flow Statement

Overall, there was a decrease in the ALRC’s cash balance by $0.367m. This decrease was due largely to the resignation of a number of long serving staff and payment of their annual and long service leave entitlements.