This list does not include Annual Reports.
ALRC 1 Complaints Against Police, 1975
ALRC 2 Criminal Investigation, 1975
ALRC 4 Alcohol, Drugs and Driving, 1976
ALRC 6 Insolvency: The Regular Payment of Debts, 1977
ALRC 7 Human Tissue Transplants, 1977
ALRC 9 Complaints Against Police (Supplementary Report), 1978
ALRC 11 Unfair Publication: Defamation and Privacy, 1979
ALRC 12 Privacy and the Census, 1979
ALRC 14 Lands Acquisition and Compensation, 1980
ALRC 15 Sentencing of Federal Offenders (Interim), 1980
ALRC 16 Insurance Agents and Brokers, 1980
ALRC 18 Child Welfare, 1981
ALRC 20 Insurance Contracts, 1982
ALRC 22 Privacy, 1983
ALRC 24 Foreign State Immunity, 1984
ALRC 26 Evidence (Interim), 1985
ALRC 27 Standing in Public Interest Litigation, 1985
ALRC 28 Community Law Reform for the Australian Capital Territory: First Report: The Community Law Reform Program. Contributory Negligence in Fatal Accident Cases and Breach of Statutory Duty Cases and Funeral Costs in Fatal Accident Cases, 1985
ALRC 30 Domestic Violence, 1986
ALRC 31 The Recognition of Aboriginal Customary Laws, 1986
ALRC 32 Community Law Reform for the Australian Capital Territory: Second Report: Loss of Consortium and Compensation for Loss of Capacity to do Housework, 1986
ALRC 33 Civil Admiralty Jurisdiction, 1986
ALRC 35 Contempt, 1987
ALRC 36 Debt Recovery and Insolvency, 1987
ALRC 37 Spent Convictions, 1987
ALRC 38 Evidence, 1987
ALRC 39 Matrimonial Property, 1987
ALRC 40 Service and Execution of Process, 1987
ALRC 42 Occupiers’ Liability, 1988
ALRC 43 The Commonwealth Prisoners Act (Interim) 1988
ALRC 44 Sentencing, 1988
ALRC 45 General Insolvency Inquiry, 1988
ALRC 46 Grouped Proceedings in the Federal Court, 1988
ALRC 47 Community Law Reform for the Australian Capital Territory: Third Report: Enduring Powers of Attorney, 1988
ALRC 48 Criminal Admiralty Jurisdiction and Prize, 1990
ALRC 50 Informed Decisions About Medical Procedures, 1989
ALRC 51 Product Liability, 1989
ALRC 52 Guardianship and Management of Property, 1989
ALRC 55 Censorship Procedure, 1991
ALRC 57 Multiculturalism and the Law, 1992
ALRC 58 Choice of Law, 1992
ALRC 59 Collective Investments: Superannuation, 1992
ALRC 60 Customs and Excise, 1992
ALRC 61 Administrative Penalties in Customs and Excise, 1992
ALRC 63 Children’s Evidence: Closed Circuit TV, 1992
ALRC 64 Personal Property Securities, 1993
ALRC 65 Collective Investments: Other People’s Money, 1993
ALRC 67 Equality Before the Law: Women’s Access to the Legal System, (Interim) 1994
ALRC 68 Compliance with the Trade Practices Act 1974, 1994
ALRC 69 Equality Before the Law: Justice for Women, 1994
ALRC 70 Child Care for Kids: Review of Legislation Administered By Department of Human Services and Health, (Interim) 1994
ALRC 72 The Coming of Age: New Aged Care Legislation for the Commonwealth, 1995
ALRC 73 For the Sake of the Kids: Complex Contact Cases and the Family Court, 1995
ALRC 74 Designs, 1995
ALRC 75 Costs Shifting: Who Pays for Litigation, 1995
ALRC 77 Open Government: A Review of the Federal Freedom of Information Act 1982, 1995
ALRC 78 Beyond the Door-Keeper: Standing to Sue for Public Remedies, 1996
ALRC 79 Making Rights Count: Services for People With a Disability, 1996
ALRC 80 Legal Risk in International Transactions, 1996
ALRC 82 Integrity: But Not By Trust Alone: AFP & NCA Complaints and Disciplinary Systems, 1996
ALRC 84 Seen and Heard: Priority for Children in the Legal Process, 1997
ALRC 85 Australia’s Federal Record: A Review of Archives Act 1983, 1998
ALRC 87 Confiscation That Counts: A Review of the Proceeds of Crime Act 1987, 1999
ALRC 89 Managing Justice: A Review of the Federal Civil Justice System, 2000
ALRC 91 Review of the Marine Insurance Act 1909, 2001
ALRC 92 The Judicial Power of the Commonwealth: A Review of the Judiciary Act 1903 and Related Legislation, 2001
ALRC 95 Principled Regulation: Federal Civil & Administrative Penalties in Australia, 2002
ALRC 96 Essentially Yours: The Protection of Human Genetic Information in Australia, 2003
ALRC 98 Keeping Secrets: The Protection of Classified and Security Sensitive Information, 2004
ALRC 99 Genes and Ingenuity: Gene Patenting and Human Health, 2004
ALRC 102 Uniform Evidence Law, 2005
ALRC 103 Same Crime, Same Time: Sentencing of Federal Offenders, 2006
ALRC 104 Fighting Words: A Review of Sedition Laws in Australia, 2006
ALRC 107 Privilege in Perspective: Client Legal Privilege in Federal Investigations, 2008
ALRC 108 For Your Information: Australian Privacy Law and Practice, 2008
ALRC 111 Making Inquiries: A New Statutory Framework, 2010
ALRC 112 Secrecy Laws and Open Government in Australia, 2010
ALRC 114 Family Violence: A National Legal Response, 2010
ALRC 115 Managing Discovery: Discovery of Documents in Federal Courts, 2011
ALRC 117 Family Violence and Commonwealth Laws—Improving Legal Frameworks, 2012
ALRC 118 Classification—Content Regulation and Convergent Media, 2012
ALRC 120 Access All Ages—Older Workers and Commonwealth Laws, 2013