
Her Honour Judge Liesl Kudelka

Judge Liesl Kudelka is a part-time Commissioner of the ALRC and was appointed on 22 January 2024, with the term expiring on 22 January 2025. Judge Kudelka was appointed as a Judge of the District Court of South Australia in October 2017. She has 25 years of experience in the criminal jurisdiction as a judge,


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FAQs: The FSL Schedule

This article answers some of the (hypothetically) frequently asked questions about the Financial Services Law Schedule (the ‘FSL Schedule’) recommended by the ALRC. Implementing two of the ALRC’s recommendations would produce the FSL Schedule: creating the Financial Services Law by restructuring and reframing the financial services provisions within Chapter 7 of the Corporations Act 2001

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The ALRC’s Roadmap to Implementation

Throughout the Corporations and Financial Services Legislation Inquiry, stakeholders emphasised the importance of staging the implementation of reforms and managing transition costs. This article explains the ALRC’s suggested approach for implementing the reformed legislative framework for financial services. This is the fourth in a series of short pieces following the release of the ALRC’s Final

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Excavating Corporations and Financial Services Legislation

The ALRC used a number of analogies during the Corporations and Financial Services Legislation Inquiry to help explain our discoveries and conceptualise our insights about legislative complexity. We likened the law to a house, a cupboard, Russian dolls, and even outer space. Looking back, it often felt like we were on an archaeological dig, excavating layers of complexity

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ALRC Welcomes Eminent Jurists to Lead Inquiry into Justice Responses to Sexual Violence

The ALRC has announced the two eminent jurists who will lead the inquiry into Justice Response to Sexual Violence.

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The Reformed Legislative Framework: A how-to guide

The existing legislative framework for financial services is unnecessarily complex and difficult to use. So how should it be improved? This article briefly explores the reformed legislative framework for financial services legislation recommended by the ALRC in the Final Report of the Corporations and Financial Services Legislation Inquiry. It also illustrates the benefits of the

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The FSL Journey

Last week, the Final Report of the ALRC’s Corporations and Financial Services Inquiry was published. The Final Report laid out the results of three years’ work examining why the law is so complex and setting out how it should be reformed. In this article, we describe the ALRC’s journey from the Inquiry’s genesis through to

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Justice System’s Response to Sexual Violence Inquiry Begins

The Australian Law Reform (ALRC) has begun its inquiry into the justice system’s response to sexual violence.

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Terms of Reference

I, the Hon Mark Dreyfus KC MP, Attorney-General of Australia, having regard to the Government’s commitment to strengthen and harmonise sexual assault and consent laws, refer to the Australian Law Reform Commission (ALRC) for inquiry and report, pursuant to subsection 20(1) of the Australian Law Reform Commission Act 1996 (Cth), an inquiry into justice responses


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Justice Responses to Sexual Violence

Submissions in response to the ALRC’s Issues Paper have now closed Download the Issues Paper The Australian Law Reform Commission (ALRC) has been asked to inquire into justice responses to sexual violence in Australia. This Inquiry forms part of the Government’s commitment to strengthen and harmonise sexual assault and consent laws, and to improve outcomes


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