Australian Government agencies are required to publish a list of documents obtained under Freedom of Information (FOI) within 10 working days of the applicant receiving the documents.
Documents disclosed in response to an FOI request are subject to the following exceptions:
- personal information or information about the business, commercial, financial or professional affairs of any person if publication would be unreasonable;
- information determined by the Australian Information Commissioner not to be disclosed;
- information that cannot reasonably practicably be published because of required deletions to the document.
The ALRC has maintained a list of documents disclosed under the FOI Act (with redactions) since 1 January 2011.
FOI number | Date of access | FOI request | Information published in the disclosure log | Other information |
11/75/09 | 10/4/2018 | (a) Report into Aboriginal Incarcertation and all its 35 Recommendations (b) All materials that formed the baiss of the report in (a) above. (c) A copy of the submissions and or evidence obtained in the course of the inquiry (d) the resume of all members of the board of inquiry |
(a) Report Provided (b)All relevant information is included in the Report provided (c) As for (b) (d) N/A These documents do not exist |
11/75/08 | 3/3/2018 | Any information held by the ALRC in relation to Lynne Waterhouse. | N/A These documents do not exist | |
11/75/07 | 15/2/2018 | Any documentation or financial statements which have the employee title and their associated renumeration and benefits. Including all full-time, part-time and casual employees. | N/A This information is publicly available (see Enterprise Agreement and Annual Reports). | |
11/75/06 | 28/1/14 | (i) Any correspondence between the Attorney-General’s Department and the ALRC giving a Direction to the ALRC to conduct an inquiry into “FOI Laws” {but excluding the earlier 1995 ARC/ALRC Open Government Report}. (ii) Any correspondence between the Attorney-General’s Department, the Office of the Prime Minister & Cabinet or any other party requesting the ALRC not to “proceed with its inquiry into FOI laws at this time”. (iii) Any document that sets out the “terms of reference” for this later inquiry {ie following on from the 1995 inquiry. (iv) Documents in which the ALRC has agreed a more appropriate course of action is to review the FOI Act after the Government’s reforms have come into operation or otherwise confirm that the ALRC will not be proceeding with an enquiry before the amendments to the FOI Act have been enacted. |
i) letter dated 26 September 2007, from the then Attorney-General, Philip Ruddock to the then ALRC President Professor David Weisbrot, referring the Inquiry and providing the Terms of Reference. ii) letter, dated 21 July 2008, from the then Attorney-General, Robert McClelland, to the then ALRC President, Professor David Weisbrot, revoking the Terms of Reference for the Inquiry. This letter is attached. iii) as above iv) N/A documents do not exist |
11/75/05 | 21/1/14 |
11/75/04 | 21/1/14 |
N/A These documents do not exist | |
11/75/03 | 21/1/14 |
N/A These documents do not exist | |
11/75-2 | Request received 28/07/12. Date of access unknown | 17 documents pertaining to The Judicial Power of the Commonwealth: A Review of the Judiciary Act 1903 and Related Legislation ALRC Report 92, comprising correspondence and consultation notes. | N/A. These documents reside with National Archives. | National Archives made these documents available to the applicant. |
11/75-01 | 24/01/12 | Confidential submissions in response to the National Classification Review Discussion Paper(DP 77). | 6 documents released with removal of submitters’ names and contact details. | 2 documents were considered to be exempt under s 45 of the FOI Act. |