
FAQs: The Legislative Data Framework

Over the past few years, the ALRC used pioneering data collection and analysis to scrutinise corporations and financial services legislation. Using legislative data, the ALRC was able to show just how complex corporations and financial services legislation is. The ALRC also used that data when developing reforms. This article aims to answer some of the

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FAQs: The FSL Schedule

This article answers some of the (hypothetically) frequently asked questions about the Financial Services Law Schedule (the ‘FSL Schedule’) recommended by the ALRC. Implementing two of the ALRC’s recommendations would produce the FSL Schedule: creating the Financial Services Law by restructuring and reframing the financial services provisions within Chapter 7 of the Corporations Act 2001

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The ALRC’s Roadmap to Implementation

Throughout the Corporations and Financial Services Legislation Inquiry, stakeholders emphasised the importance of staging the implementation of reforms and managing transition costs. This article explains the ALRC’s suggested approach for implementing the reformed legislative framework for financial services. This is the fourth in a series of short pieces following the release of the ALRC’s Final

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Excavating Corporations and Financial Services Legislation

The ALRC used a number of analogies during the Corporations and Financial Services Legislation Inquiry to help explain our discoveries and conceptualise our insights about legislative complexity. We likened the law to a house, a cupboard, Russian dolls, and even outer space. Looking back, it often felt like we were on an archaeological dig, excavating layers of complexity

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The FSL Journey

Last week, the Final Report of the ALRC’s Corporations and Financial Services Inquiry was published. The Final Report laid out the results of three years’ work examining why the law is so complex and setting out how it should be reformed. In this article, we describe the ALRC’s journey from the Inquiry’s genesis through to

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ALRC recommends confronting complexity in corporations and financial services legislation

Today the Australian Law Reform Commission report, Confronting Complexity: Reforming Corporations and Financial Services Legislation (ALRC Report 141), was tabled in Parliament by the Attorney-General of Australia, the Hon Mark Dreyfus KC.

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Consumer Experiences in Financial Services: A Research Survey Collaboration

Data collection and analysis have been crucial in the ALRC’s inquiry into the legislative framework for corporations and financial services regulation. During the Inquiry, the ALRC partnered with leading academics and consumer advocacy group CHOICE to commission survey research of consumer understandings and experiences with financial services and the legislative framework for their regulation. The

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Podcast: Prof Bant discusses the ALRC’s inquiry on simplifying corporations and financial services regulation

The ALRC’s current inquiry into the simplification of corporations and financial services regulation has generated significant interest and expectations on the part of stakeholders. What is motivating the inquiry and what are some of the challenges and objectives? In this recorded interview, Dr Andrew Godwin (ALRC Special Counsel) asks Professor Elise Bant (ALRC Advisory Committee

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Financial advice sector welcomes ALRC to Licensee Summit

On Monday 7 June 2021, Justice SC Derrington, President of the Australian Law Reform Commission, and Christopher Ash, Senior Legal Officer, presented the first session of the Conexus Professional Planner Licensee Summit in the Blue Mountains, New South Wales. Nearly sixty licensee heads gathered to discuss the challenges and opportunities reform could bring to the

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