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ALRC InBrief | October 2015

ALRC President reappointed for a further 3-year term The Government announced that Professor Rosalind Croucher AM has been reappointed as ALRC President for a further 3 year term—to December 2018. Prof Croucher is currently leading the ALRC’s Freedoms Inquiry. See media release >> ALRC launches online timeline to celebrate 40 years of law reform The ALRC has

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ALRC InBrief | August 2015

Appointment of part-time Commissioner,  Emeritus Professor Suri Ratnapala On 21 July, the Attorney-General, Senator the Hon George Brandis QC appointed Emeritus Professor Anura Surindra (Suri) Ratnapala as a part-time Commissioner until the conclusion of the Freedoms Inquiry. Professor Ratnapala is Emeritus Professor of Law at the University of Queensland and a current Fellow of the Australian

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Freedoms Inquiry | enews | Issue 6 | National Freedoms Symposia

National Freedoms SymposiaThe ALRC is pleased to announce a national series of discussions around the ALRC Freedoms Inquiry, to be held in Brisbane, Adelaide, Sydney, Perth and Melbourne. Each event will focus on a different aspect of the Freedoms Inquiry with invited guests who will give short presentations on particular issues. These events are free but RSVP

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Freedoms Inquiry | enews | Issue 5 | Interim Report

Interim reportThe Interim Report for this Inquiry, Traditional Rights and Freedoms—Encroachments by Commonwealth Laws (ALRC Interim Report 127), is now available.This is the second consultation document for this inquiry, in which the ALRC has been asked to review Commonwealth laws that encroach on traditional rights, freedoms and privileges such as freedom of speech, religion, movement and association; and other

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Native Title enews – Issue 8 – June 2015

Final Report available!We are pleased to announce the release of the Final Report for this Inquiry Connection to Country: Review of the Native Title Act 1993 (Cth) (ALRC Report 126). The Report was tabled in Parliament today and is now available to the public.The Report is available in HTML, PDF, and as an ebook.See media release >>See

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ALRC InBrief | April 2015

ALRC President’s news On 26 January this year, Professor Rosalind Croucher, ALRC President was conferred the award of Member of the Order of Australia for “significant service to the law as an academic, to legal reform and education, to professional development, and to the arts”. During her eight years at the ALRC, Professor Croucher has overseen

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Freedoms Inquiry enews | Issue 4 | Issues Paper

Issues Paper availableThe Issues Paper for this Inquiry, Traditional Rights and Freedoms—Encroachments by Commonwealth Laws (IP46), is now available.IP46 provides a brief explanation of each of the rights, freedoms and privileges listed in the Terms of Reference, their origin and rationale, and how they are protected from statutory encroachment. For each one the ALRC asks the question:  What

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Native Title enews – Issue 7 – December 2014

Submission deadline extended to Monday 19 JanuaryThe ALRC acknowledges how busy the end of year can be and has decided to extend our deadline for submissions. As we must finalise recommendations and present our final report by the end of March 2015, and we would like as much time as possible to consider your submissions, we

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Disability enews | Issue 9 | Final Report now available

We are pleased to announce the release of the Final Report for this Inquiry, Equality, Capacity and Disability in Commonwealth Laws (ALRC 124). The Report was tabled in Parliament today and is now available to the public. The Report is available in HTML, PDF, and as an ebook.See media release >>See Final Report >>See Summary Report >>Download a

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ALRC InBrief | October 2014

Inquiry update Review of the Native Title Act The Native Title Inquiry team has just released a Discussion Paper – the second consultation document for this Inquiry. It is available in HTML, PDF, and as an ebook. The ALRC is calling for submissions in response to the Discussion Paper. Submissions are due on 18 December  2014.

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