Any public contribution to an inquiry is called a submission. The Australian Law Reform Commission seeks submissions from a broad cross-section of the community, as well as from those with a special interest in a particular inquiry.
The closing date for submissions to this Discussion Paper is 12 May 2014.
Online submission form
The ALRC strongly encourages online submissions directly through the ALRC website where an online submission form will allow you to respond to individual questions: www.alrc.gov.au/content/privacy-subs-DP80. Once you have logged into the site, you will be able to save your work, edit your responses, and leave and re-enter the site as many times as you need to before lodging your final submission. You may respond to as many or as few questions as you wish. There is space at the end of the form for any additional comments.
Further instructions are available on the site. If you have any difficulties using the online submission form, please email web@alrc.gov.au, or phone +61 2 8238 6305.
Alternatively, pre-prepared submissions may be mailed, faxed or emailed, to:
The Executive Director
Australian Law Reform Commission
GPO Box 3708
Sydney NSW 2001
Email: privacy@alrc.gov.au
Facsimile: +61 2 8238 6363
Please send any pre-prepared submissions in Word or RTF format.
Open inquiry policy
As submissions provide important evidence to each inquiry, it is common for the ALRC to draw upon the contents of submissions and quote from them or refer to them in publications. There is no specified format for submissions, although the questions provided in this document are intended to provide guidance for respondents.
Generally, submissions will be published on the ALRC website, unless marked confidential. Confidential submissions may still be the subject of a Freedom of Information request. In the absence of a clear indication that a submission is intended to be confidential, the ALRC will treat the submission as public. The ALRC does not publish anonymous submissions.
The ALRC may redact certain information from submissions in order to protect the privacy of submitters or others mentioned in submissions. This may include withholding the name of the submitter. Publication or redaction of information in submissions is at the discretion of the ALRC.
See the ALRC policy on submissions and inquiry material for more information www.alrc.gov.au/about/policies.