Australian Law Reform Commission
Professor Rosalind Croucher
Commissioner in Charge
Professor Lee Godden
Part-time Commissioner
The Hon Justice Nye Perram, Federal Court of Australia
Executive Director
Sabina Wynn
Senior Legal Officer
Justine Clarke
Legal Officers
- Judith Bonner until February 2014
- Robyn Gilbert
- Sonya Kim, August—October 2014
- Dr Julie Mackenzie
- Dr Steven Robertson, from July 2014
Legal Interns
- Lidija Bujanovic
- Alisha Mathew
- Tim Maybury
- Sean Mulcahy
- Jack Murray
- Laura Neill
- Amila Perera
- Alison Whittaker
Advisory Committee Members
- Professor Megan Davis, Director, Indigenous Law Centre, University of New South Wales
- Mr Jason Behrendt, Legal Executive, Chalk & Fitzgerald, Lawyers & Consultants
- Mr Hans Bokelund, Chief Executive Officer, Goldfields Land and Sea Council
- Dr Valerie Cooms, Quandamooka (Chair of the Prescribed Body Corporate) and former CEO of QSNTS
- Ms Alice Cope, Executive Manager, United Nations Global Compact Network Australia
- Ms Sally Davis, Senior Lawyer, Australian Government Solicitor
- Professor Mick Dodson AM, Director, National Centre for Indigenous Studies, Australian National University
- The Hon Paul Finn, retired Federal Court Judge
- Dr Jonathan Fulcher, Partner, HopgoodGanim
- Mr Mick Gooda, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice Commissioner, Australian Human Rights Commission
- Ms Jenny Hart, Assistant Crown Solicitor, Native Title Section, Crown Solicitor’s Office
- Mr Vance Hughston SC, Windeyer Chambers
- Mr Graeme Neate, former President, National Native Title Tribunal (1999-2013)
- The Hon Justice Anthony North, Federal Court of Australia
- Dr David Martin, Anthropos Consulting
- Dr Lisa Strelein, Director, Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies
- Associate Professor Maureen Tehan, Associate Director, Centre for Resources, Energy and Environmental Law, University of Melbourne
- Ms Raelene Webb QC, President, National Native Title Tribunal