Part H. Other Intellectual Property Issues

28. Copyright and Databases

28–1 The Commonwealth should amend the Copyright Act 1968 (Cth) (Copyright Act) to provide that research with a commercial purpose or objective is ‘research’ in the context of fair dealing for the purpose of research or study.

28–2 The Commonwealth should amend the Copyright Act to provide that, in relation to databases protected by copyright, the operation of the provisions relating to fair dealing for the purpose of research or study cannot be excluded or modified by contract.

28–3 Prior to the implementation of art 17.4.7 of the Australia–United States Free Trade Agreement—which includes a prohibition on the circumvention of access control measures—the Australian Government should assess the need for an exception for researchers engaging in fair dealing for the purpose of research or study in relation to databases protected by copyright. Once the prohibition has been implemented, the Australian Government should periodically review the impact of the anti-circumvention provisions on the practical exercise of fair dealing for the purpose of research or study in copyright works.