Part G. Non–Voluntary Uses

26. Crown Use and Acquisition

26–1 The Australian Health Ministers’ Advisory Council should develop a policy regarding the circumstances in which it may be appropriate for the Commonwealth or a State to exploit a patented invention under the Crown use provisions of the Patents Act 1990 (Cth) (Patents Act) for the purposes of promoting human health. Similarly, the Department of Health and Ageing should develop a policy regarding the circumstances in which it may be appropriate for the Commonwealth to acquire a patent for the purposes of promoting human health. Decisions about Crown use in specific cases must be made on their individual merits.

26–2 The Commonwealth should amend the Patents Act to clarify that, for the purposes of the Crown use provisions, an invention is exploited ‘for the services of the Commonwealth or of a State’ if the exploitation of the invention by a Commonwealth or State authority (or by an authorised person) is for the provision of healthcare services or products to members of the public.

26–3 The Commonwealth should amend the Patents Act to provide that, when a patent is exploited under the Crown use provisions, the remuneration that is to be paid by the relevant authority must be paid promptly and must be just and reasonable having regard to the economic value of the use. Similarly, the Act should be amended to provide that, when a patent is acquired under the Crown acquisition provisions, compensation must be paid promptly and must be just and reasonable having regard to the economic value of the patent.

27. Compulsory Licensing

27–1 The Commonwealth should amend the provisions of the Patents Act 1990 (Cth) relating to compulsory licences by:

  1. inserting the competition-based test recommended by the Intellectual Property and Competition Review Committee as an additional ground for the grant of a compulsory licence; and
  2. clarifying the scope of the ‘reasonable requirements of the public test’.