16.34 The FWO is an independent statutory office created by the Fair Work Act.[29] The primary aim of the FWO is to promote harmonious, productive and cooperative workplace relations as well as compliance, through education, assistance and advice. The FWO also plays a role in monitoring compliance, carrying out investigation, and in some cases, commencing proceedings or representing employees or outworkers in order to promote overall compliance.[30]
16.35 The key proposals that relate to the role of the FWO are overarching Proposal 14–1 in relation to privacy, and Proposals 17–1 and 17–3 in relation to developing guides to negotiating individual flexibility arrangements and family violence clauses in enterprise agreements. However, the ALRC is interested in comment about other ways, if any, the FWO’s role, function or processes could be amended to protect employees experiencing family violence.
Question 16–4 In Proposals 14–1, 17–1 and 17–3 the role of the Fair Work Ombudsman is discussed. In what other ways, if any, could the Fair Work Ombudsman’s role, function or processes protect employees experiencing family violence?