AAT | Administrative Appeals Tribunal |
ADACAS | ACT Disability, Aged and Carer Advocacy Service |
ACDL | Australian Centre for Disability Law |
ACL | Australian Consumer Law |
AEC | Australian Electoral Commission |
AGAC | Australian Guardianship and Administration Council |
AHMAC | Australian Health Ministers’ Advisory Council |
AHR Centre | Australian Human Rights Centre |
ALRC | Australian Law Reform Commission |
APP | Australian Privacy Principles |
ARC | Australian Research Council |
ABA | American Bar Association, Chapter 7 |
ABA | Australian Bankers’ Association, Chapter 6 |
AHRC | Australian Human Rights Commission |
APRA | Australian Prudential Regulation Authority |
ASIC | Australian Securities and Investments Commission |
CDLP Galway | Centre for Disability Law and Policy, National University of Ireland, Galway |
CEO | Chief Executive Officer |
CHRE | Centre for Human Rights Education, Curtin University |
CMI Act | Crimes (Mental Impairment and Unfitness to Be Tried) Act 1997 (Vic) |
COAG | Council of Australian Governments |
CRPD | United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities |
DANA | Disability Advocacy Network Australia |
DDA | Disability Discrimination Act 1992 (Cth) |
DDLC | NSW Disability Discrimination Legal Centre |
DDLS | Disability Discrimination Legal Service Victoria |
DHS | Department of Human Services |
DRO | Divisional Returning Officer |
DSS | Department of Social Services |
EAV | Electronically Assisted Voting |
Electoral Act | Commonwealth Electoral Act 1918 (Cth) |
ICCPR | International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights |
Justice Connect | Justice Connect and Seniors Rights Victoria |
Law Commission | Law Commission of England and Wales |
Law Council | The Law Council of Australia |
LIV | Law Institute of Victoria |
LRCWA | Law Reform Commission of Western Australia |
MDAA | Multicultural Disability Advocacy Association |
MHCA | Mental Health Council of Australia |
MHCC | Mental Health Coordinating Council |
NACLC | National Association of Community Legal Centres |
National Framework | National Framework for Reducing and Eliminating the Use of Restrictive Practices in the Disability Service Sector |
NCAT | NSW Civil and Administrative Tribunal |
NCOSS | Council of Social Service of NSW |
NDAP | National Disability Advocacy Program |
NDIA | National Disability Insurance Agency |
NDIS | National Disability Insurance Scheme |
NDIS Act | National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013 (Cth) |
NDS | National Disability Strategy |
NMHCCF | National Mental Health Consumer and Carer Forum |
Nominee Rules | National Disability Insurance Scheme (Nominee) Rules 2013 (Cth) |
NSWCID | NSW Council for Intellectual Disability |
NSWLRC | NSW Law Reform Commission |
CDLP Galway | Centre for Disability Law and Policy, National University of Ireland, Galway |
OAIC | Office of the Australian Information Commissioner |
OECD | Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development |
OPA | Office of the Public Advocate |
OPCAT | Optional Protocol on the Convention against Torture |
PCEHR Act | Personally Controlled Electronic Health Records Act 2012 (Cth) |
PIAC | Public Interest Advocacy Centre |
PWDA | People with Disability Australia |
QAI | Queensland Advocacy Incorporated |
QDN | Queenslanders with Disability Network |
QLRC | Queensland Law Reform Commission |
SIS Act | Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Act 1993 (Cth) |
SIS Regulations | Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Regulations 1994 (Cth) |
UNCRPD | United Nations Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities |
VCAT | Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal |
Vicdeaf | Victorian Deaf Society |
VLRC | Victorian Law Reform Commission |