5.110 The fair use exception should contain a non-exhaustive list of illustrative uses or purposes. The fair use exceptions in the US and other countries that have enacted fair use or extended, open-ended fair dealing exceptions, all include illustrative purposes or examples. The ALRC’s recommended list of illustrative purposes would be specifically Australian, but has parallels to those listed in other jurisdictions’ statutes.
5.111 The illustrative purposes in the US fair use exception are set out in the preamble to the Copyright Act. The preamble provides, in part:
the fair use of a copyrighted work, including such use by reproduction in copies or phonorecords or by any other means specified by that section, for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching (including multiple copies for classroom use), scholarship, or research, is not an infringement of copyright.[141]
5.112 The US Supreme Court has said that:
The text employs the terms ‘including’ and ‘such as’ in the preamble paragraph to indicate the ‘illustrative and not limitative’ function of the examples given … which thus provide only general guidance about the sorts of copying the courts and Congress most commonly found to be fair uses.[142]
5.113 In Harper & Row v Nation, the US Supreme Court commented further on the function of the preamble:
News reporting is one of the examples enumerated in §107 to ‘give some idea of the sort of activities the courts might regard as fair use under the circumstances’. This listing was not intended to be exhaustive, or to single out any particular use as presumptively a ‘fair’ use. The drafters resisted pressures from special interest groups to create presumptive categories of fair use, but structured the provision as an affirmative defense requiring a case-by-case analysis. ‘[W]hether a use referred to in the first sentence of section 107 is a fair use in a particular case will depend upon the application of the determinative factors, including those mentioned in the second sentence’.[143]
5.114 The ALRC intends the illustrative purposes in an Australian fair use exception to serve this same function. The listed purposes are illustrative, not exhaustive. The fact that a particular use falls within one of the broader categories of ‘illustrative purposes’ will tend to favour a finding of fair use. But this does not necessarily mean the particular use is fair. It does not even create a presumption that the use is fair. A consideration of the fairness factors is crucial.
5.115 A number of stakeholders approved including a list of illustrative purposes in the fair use exception.[144] For these stakeholders, the illustrative purposes were seen to provide helpful guidance on the application of the provision[145] and to reduce uncertainty.[146] In the Discussion Paper, the ALRC proposed nine illustrative purposes.[147] Some stakeholders supported the content of this list,[148] or at least some of the illustrative purposes listed.[149]
5.116 The ALRC’s list of illustrative purposes includes purposes that are:
currently the subject of purpose-based exceptions—for example, the existing fair dealing purposes; and
not currently the subject of express unremunerated use exceptions in the Copyright Act—for example, quotation.
5.117 Stakeholders supported this approach, particularly with respect to consolidating the existing fair dealing provisions into a more general fair use exception.[150] For example, the Law Council approved of a fair use model that ‘would include reference to the existing specific copyright exceptions which would then act as examples to courts of the types of activities that constitute fair use’.[151]
Concerns about certainty
5.118 Some stakeholders expressed concern about lack of certainty. Those who opposed the enactment of fair use in Australia criticised the proposed illustrative purposes and submitted that a non-exhaustive list does not promote certainty.[152] Others suggested some ways in which more certainty could be obtained.[153]
More detailed illustrative purposes
5.119 Some suggested that more detail should be included in the illustrative purposes.[154] For example, the ACCC submitted that more detailed illustrative purposes should be developed that
are able to reflect the value of ensuring the efficient operation of markets for copyright material and which encourage a careful consideration of relevant factors to ensure that copyright rights are not extended in a manner which creates monopoly characteristics in ancillary markets.[155]
5.120 There were many suggestions for additional illustrative purposes:
professional advice[156]—specified as ‘the preparation of legal advice’,[157] ‘the giving of professional advice’,[158] and ‘providing or seeking professional advice’;[159]
legal proceedings;[160]
amateur photographers and audiovisual makers’ use of digital images where used in the context of a photographic competition or display, including where held within a club and open to public viewing;[161]
transformative uses;[162]
‘system-level caching’;[163]
specification of ‘digital remedial processes’ such as ‘conversion or reformatting of records and data’;[164]
use for studying and testing the operation of computer software,[165] that is, ‘for public interest reasons such as making a back up copy, security testing, reverse engineering for making interoperable products and error correction’;[166]
software preservation and archiving;[167]
uses for cultural heritage, cultural enrichment or similar purposes;[168]
the sharing of public collections, to allow galleries, libraries and museums to share works in their collection online;[169]
‘using unpublished works deposited in cultural institutions for over 50 years to enable digital preservation and public access online’;[170]
‘education, science and research’;[171]
teaching, or research or study (including multiple copies for classroom use);[172]
public administration, including ‘public use of copyright works held by the government’;[173]
‘other non-commercial uses, such as in the government or non-profit sectors’;[174]
uses for ‘disadvantaged groups, such as elderly and/or those with a disability’;[175]
‘third-party uses on behalf of an end-user where the third-party use is facilitating an otherwise fair use by the end-user’;[176]
‘lack of supply’;[177] and
uses for the purpose of advertising the sale of an artwork.[178]
Professional advice exceptions
5.121 A number of stakeholders called for an illustrative purpose referring to the giving of professional advice, expressed in differing ways.[179]
5.122 The current provisions relating to the use of works and subject matter other than works in the context of professional advice, were described as ‘a mess’.[180] In 1998, the CLRC identified these inconsistencies between subject matter and modes of advice, for which it could see no basis, and recommended that the distinctions be removed.[181] Similarly, in this Inquiry, the Law Council submitted that it is ‘not aware of any particular reason why subject matter should be treated more favourably than original works’.[182]
5.123 Some stakeholders considered that listing professional advice—however described—as an illustrative purpose would ensure that the new fair use exception works as intended, in clarifying that a fair use for the purpose of professional advice does not infringe copyright.[183] Telstra submitted that it ‘seems inconsistent’ not to include this as an illustrative purpose, given that the ALRC proposed a fair dealing exception for this purpose.[184]
5.124 The ALRC recommends that ‘professional advice’ be specified as an illustrative purpose in a fair use exception or new fair dealing exception. The term ‘professional advice’ should be adopted, rather than other expressions which may confine the purpose to advice given by a legal practitioner, registered patent attorney or registered trade marks attorney. Further, the ALRC does not consider that the Copyright Act needs to specify whether the exception be for seeking, giving or providing of advice. This is for three reasons.
5.125 The use of the term ‘professional advice’ is broad in scope. This is appropriate, and broadly expressed. This addresses concerns that ‘there is no reason of principle why advice provided by other professional groups such as accountants and doctors should not be treated in a broadly similar way’, especially given that the user will, in any case, always have to demonstrate that the use was fair.[185]
5.126 Stakeholders held a spectrum of views on this issue. Some stakeholders sought a specific exception with respect to ‘giving and seeking advice’ with inclusion as an illustrative purpose seen as a second best option.[186] The Law Council considered that ‘fair use is the appropriate standard rather than a blanket defence’.[187]
5.127 The ALRC’s recommended approach will result in some narrowing of the current exceptions applying to professional advice in s 104(b) and (c) of the Copyright Act (in that a fairness determination will be required), but there will also be some broadening of the fair dealing exceptions in s 43(2), because the exception will not be confined to the ‘giving’ of professional advice.
The eleven illustrative purposes
5.128 The ALRC recommends eleven illustrative purposes. The rationale for including these illustrative purposes in the fair use exception is explained in a number of other chapters in this Report.[188]
5.129 For present purposes, it is sufficient to note that:
some of the illustrative purposes that were proposed in the Discussion Paper have been recast: ‘incidental or technical use’ replaces ‘non-consumptive’ use and ‘non-commercial private use’ replaces ‘private and domestic’ use;
the ALRC is not recommending the inclusion of an illustrative purpose for ‘public administration’, instead the ALRC recommends amendment, and enactment, of a number of specific exceptions; and
three new illustrative purposes have been added since the Discussion Paper: ‘professional advice’, ‘library or archive use’ and ‘access for people with disability’.
5.130 With respect to arguments that there should be more detail in the description of each illustrative purpose, the ALRC notes that the existing purpose-based exceptions in the Copyright Act—the fair dealing exceptions—are cast at a similar level of generality. Relevant chapters in this Report contain further guidance in respect of particular illustrative purposes. The ALRC has responded to stakeholder input concerning previously proposed illustrative purposes, such as ‘non-consumptive’ use and ‘public administration’, which may not have been as easily understood as acceptable uses of copyright material.
5.131 The list includes some, but not all, of the purposes that may tend to favour a finding of fair use. It is important that the non-exhaustive nature of the list be well understood. In the ALRC’s view, the list of purposes is not so lengthy as to suggest that flexibility has been compromised.[189]
5.132 Academics stated that the proposed list of illustrative purposes was ‘comprehensive and consistent with comparative law in other jurisdictions’[190] and ‘very much in the tradition of s 107 of the US Copyright Act: it tries to map the contours of fair use, without attempting to set its future boundaries’.[191] They approved broadly of the illustrative purposes not currently the subject of exceptions, submitting that these were ‘broad enough to meet temporary expectations of kinds of fair use’[192] but do not foreclose further common law development.[193]
Recommendation 5–3 The non-exhaustive list of illustrative purposes should include the following:
(a) research or study;
(b) criticism or review;
(c) parody or satire;
(d) reporting news;
(e) professional advice;
(f) quotation;
(g) non-commercial private use;
(h) incidental or technical use;
(i) library or archive use;
(j) education; and
(k) access for people with disability.
Copyright Act 1976 (US) s 107.
Campbell v Acuff-Rose Music Inc (1994) 510 US 569, 577.
Harper & Row Publishers, Inc v Nation Enterprises (1985) 471 US 539, 561.
For example, Universities Australia, Submission 754; Optus, Submission 725; ACCC, Submission 658; Communications Alliance, Submission 652; BSA, Submission 598; ADA and ALCC, Submission 586; K Bowrey, Submission 554; Intellectual Property Committee, Law Council of Australia, Submission 284; Law Council of Australia, Submission 263; Grey Literature Strategies Research Project, Submission 250; Telstra Corporation Limited, Submission 222; National Library of Australia, Submission 218; Law Institute of Victoria, Submission 198; R Wright, Submission 167; M Rimmer, Submission 122.
Universities Australia, Submission 754; ACCC, Submission 658; ADA and ALCC, Submission 586; K Bowrey, Submission 554; Intellectual Property Committee, Law Council of Australia, Submission 284; Law Council of Australia, Submission 263; National Library of Australia, Submission 218.
ACCC, Submission 658; Telstra Corporation Limited, Submission 602.
Australian Law Reform Commission, Copyright and the Digital Economy, Discussion Paper 79 (2013), Proposal 4–4. These were: (a) research or study; (b) criticism or review; (c) parody or satire; (d) reporting news; (e) non-consumptive; (f) private and domestic; (g) quotation; (h) education; and (i) public administration.
Intellectual Property Committee, Law Council of Australia, Submission 765; NSW Government and Art Gallery of NSW, Submission 740; Optus, Submission 725; CAMD, Submission 719; R Burrell, M Handler, E Hudson, and K Weatherall, Submission 716; EFA, Submission 714; National Library of Australia, Submission 704; Pirate Party Australia, Submission 689; William Angliss Institute, Submission 614; Telstra Corporation Limited, Submission 602; National Archives of Australia, Submission 595; K Bowrey, Submission 554.
iGEA, Submission 741 (the existing fair dealing purposes); BSA, Submission 598 (all but ‘private and domestic’).
For example, Australian War Memorial, Submission 720 (‘the ALRC’s proposed list of illustrative uses must be as clear and at least as encompassing as the current fair dealing exceptions’); Telstra Corporation Limited, Submission 602; BSA, Submission 598; Telstra Corporation Limited, Submission 222; National Library of Australia, Submission 218; Law Institute of Victoria, Submission 198; M Rimmer, Submission 122.
Intellectual Property Committee, Law Council of Australia, Submission 284; Law Council of Australia, Submission 263.
Australian Film/TV Bodies, Submission 739; AFL, Submission 717; Cricket Australia, Submission 700. Other objections included, first, that the purposes are too broad: see Australian Film/TV Bodies, Submission 739; Australian Copyright Council, Submission 654; Kernochan Center for Law and Media and the Arts Columbia Law School, Submission 649; Screenrights, Submission 646; Motion Picture Association of America Inc, Submission 573. Secondly, it was suggested that the illustrative purposes lack a coherent policy basis: Australian Copyright Council, Submission 654. Thirdly, the new illustrative purposes are untested: APRA/AMCOS, Submission 664.
One suggestion was to draw upon the Israeli model, which empowers the relevant Minister to ‘make regulations prescribing conditions under which a use shall be deemed a fair use’: Copyright Act 2007 (Israel) s 19(c). Some stakeholders suggested that the ALRC consider a similar mechanism so that more illustrative purposes could be added over time: Pirate Party Australia, Submission 689; Cyberspace Law and Policy Centre, Submission 640.
Telstra Corporation Limited, Submission 602; Communications Alliance, Submission 652. For example, Telstra submitted that the illustrative purposes ‘non-consumptive’ use and ‘public administration’ should ‘each be defined to provide guidance as to their scope’.
ACCC, Submission 658.
CSIRO, Submission 774; Telstra Corporation Limited, Submission 602.
Communications Alliance, Submission 652.
CSIRO, Submission 774. At least one submission used a narrower construction. See Intellectual Property Committee, Law Council of Australia, Submission 765 (‘professional advice by a legal practitioner, registered patent attorney or registered trade marks attorney’).
R Burrell, M Handler, E Hudson, and K Weatherall, Submission 716.
Telstra Corporation Limited, Submission 602. However, Telstra’s preference was for this to be retained as a blanket exception. See also Communications Alliance, Submission 653 (‘the use of copying in legal proceedings’).
Victorian Association of Photographic Societies Inc, Submission 312.
Internet Industry Association, Submission 774; EFA, Submission 714.
Communications Alliance, Submission 652.
National Archives of Australia, Submission 595.
Google, Submission 600 (note that the introduction of an additional illustrative purpose in this regard was just one option proposed).
ADA and ALCC, Submission 586.
Play It Again International Research Team, Submission 494.
NFSA, Submission 750; National Archives of Australia, Submission 595.
NSW Government and Art Gallery of NSW, Submission 740; Museum Victoria, Submission 522.
Australian War Memorial, Submission 720.
M Rimmer, Submission 550.
Intellectual Property Committee, Law Council of Australia, Submission 765.
M Rimmer, Submission 550.
EFA, Submission 714.
Vic’s Flicks, Submission 301. The latter—‘disability’—was expressed in a number of different ways in submissions. See, eg, R Burrell, M Handler, E Hudson, and K Weatherall, Submission 716 (‘facilitating access to works for persons with a print disability’); Google, Submission 600 (‘assistance for persons with a visual impairment’); National & State Libraries Australasia, Submission 588 (‘provision for disabled users’); ADA and ALCC, Submission 586 (‘uses to assist people with a disability’); M Rimmer, Submission 581 (‘use by or for a person with a disability’).
Optus, Submission 725.
Museum Victoria, Submission 522.
Kay and Hughes, Submission 631.
CSIRO, Submission 774 (professional advice); Intellectual Property Committee, Law Council of Australia, Submission 765 (‘professional advice by a legal practitioner, registered patent attorney or registered trade marks attorney’); R Burrell, M Handler, E Hudson, and K Weatherall, Submission 716 (‘providing or seeking professional advice’); Communications Alliance, Submission 652; Telstra Corporation Limited, Submission 602 (‘Professional Advice’). In the US, relevant cases have ‘tended to cluster around legal advice and the preparation of documents for litigation’: R Burrell, M Handler, E Hudson, and K Weatherall, Submission 716 (citing Tavory v NTP, Inc, 495 F Supp 2d 531 (ED Va, 2007) and referring to the cases cited in P Samuelson, ‘Unbundling Fair Uses’ (2009) 77 Fordham Law Review 2537).
R Burrell, M Handler, E Hudson, and K Weatherall, Submission 278.
Copyright Law Review Committee, Simplification of the Copyright Act 1968. Part 1: Exceptions to the Exclusive Rights of Copyright Owners (1998), [4.28]–[4.29], [6.137].
Intellectual Property Committee, Law Council of Australia, Submission 765
Ibid; R Burrell, M Handler, E Hudson, and K Weatherall, Submission 716.
Telstra Corporation Limited, Submission 602. See Australian Law Reform Commission, Copyright and the Digital Economy, Discussion Paper 79 (2013), Proposals 7–3, 7–4.
R Burrell, M Handler, E Hudson, and K Weatherall, Submission 716.
Telstra Corporation Limited, Submission 602.
Intellectual Property Committee, Law Council of Australia, Submission 765.
See Ch 9 (‘quotation’); Ch 10 (‘non-commercial private use’); Ch 11 (‘incidental or technical use’); Ch 12 (‘library or archive use’); Ch 14 (‘education’); Ch 15 (decision not to include ‘public administration’); and Ch 16 (‘access for people with disability’).
See Australian Copyright Council, Submission 654 (‘In our submission, a lengthy list of illustrative purposes compromises [the flexibility of a standards-based approach]’).
K Bowrey, Submission 554.
R Burrell, M Handler, E Hudson, and K Weatherall, Submission 716.
K Bowrey, Submission 554.
R Burrell, M Handler, E Hudson, and K Weatherall, Submission 716.