Financial outcomes
Operating outcome
The 2015–16 financial statements show an operating surplus of $0.054m.
Operating revenue
The ALRC’s operating revenue of $2.691m comprised revenue from government of $2.658m, revenue from sale of goods (publications) of $0.004m and other revenue of $0.029m.
Operating expenses
Total operating expenses of $2.637m were $0.098m less than in 2014–15.
The ALRC’s depreciation and amortisation expense decreased by $0.004m.
The ALRC’s total equity increased by $0.078m. This includes contributed equity of $0.016m.
Total assets
The ALRC’s total assets increased by $0.027m.
Total liabilities
The ALRC’s total liabilities decreased by $0.051m.
Entity resource statement
The ALRC’s Entity Resource Statement and Expenses for Outcomes 2015–16 which summarises the total resources available to the ALRC and the total payments made by the ALRC during 2015–16 is at Appendix B.
The ALRC has not had any significant non compliance with financial requirements and has therefore, not made any report to its Minister, the Attorney-General.