Inquiry update


Last month, Professor Jill McKeough joined the ALRC as Commissioner in Charge of the Copyright Inquiry. The ALRC is expecting to receive final Terms of Reference shortly. Preliminary consultations have begun and the ALRC would hope to release an Issues Paper in August. If you have a specific interest in this Inquiry, please subscribe to the Copyright e-news.

Age Barriers to Work

We received Terms of Reference for this Inquiry on 12 March 2012 and also welcomed the Hon Susan Ryan AO (Age Discrimination Commissioner with the Australian Human Rights Commission) to the ALRC as Part-time Commissioner working on this Inquiry.  The ALRC has been asked to look at a range of laws, including superannuation law; family assistance, child support and social security law; employment law; insurance law; compensation laws; and any other relevant Commonwealth legislation exempt under the Age Discrimination Act 2004 (Cth).  The Age Barriers team released an Issues Paper, Grey Areas—Age Barriers to Work in Commonwealth Laws (ALRC IP 41), on 1 May 2012. The closing date for submissions was Thursday 14 June 2012, however there will be another opportunity to contribute to this Inquiry when the Discussion Paper is released in September.  If you have a specific interest in this Inquiry, please subscribe to the Age Barriers e-news.