
Consultation Documentation


Easy English: Equality, Capacity and Disability in Commonwealth Laws IP 44

The ALRC is looking at laws that treat people with disability unfairly. This Issues Paper talks about the problems we have learned about so far. It also has some questions. We would like people with disability to answer the questions so we can learn more about any problems you have with the law. We would also

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Serious Invasions of Privacy in the Digital Era (IP 43)

This Issues Paper was released on 8 October 2013, signalling the first stage of public consultation for the Serious Invasions of Privacy Inquiry. IP 43 provides background information and highlights issues identified by the ALRC as relevant to the Terms of Reference. The Issues Paper asks questions not just on issues relating to a stand-alone cause

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Copyright and the Digital Economy (DP 79)

This Discussion Paper was released on 6 June 2013, commencing the second stage in the public consultation processes. It highlights ALRC thinking to date and presents proposals for law reform. We invite the public to make submissions in response to this Discussion Paper and, in so doing, contribute to the law reform process.Submissions closed on Wednesday 31 July 2013.This

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Grey Areas—Age Barriers to Work in Commonwealth Laws (DP 78 Summary)

This Discussion Paper Summary provides an overview of the policy framework and the proposals and questions contained in the full Discussion Paper. It is designed specifically with stakeholders in mind, acknowledging the substantial involvement of many in the Inquiry to date, and the familiarity with the issues as set out in the Issues Paper released in May

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Grey Areas—Age Barriers to Work in Commonwealth Laws (DP 78)

This Discussion Paper commences the second stage in the consultation processes in this inquiry into Commonwealth legal barriers to older persons participating in the workforce or other productive work. It highlights ALRC thinking to date and puts forward proposals for law reform in the areas of recruitment and employment, work health and safety, insurance, social security,

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Copyright and the Digital Economy (IP 42)

This Issues Paper is the first formal publication of the Inquiry, intended to help frame discussion and encourage public consultation at an early stage. It provides background information about copyright in the digital environment, highlights the issues so far identified in preliminary research and consultations, and outlines the principles that will shape the ALRC’s proposals

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Grey Areas—Age Barriers to Work in Commonwealth Laws (IP 41)

This Issues Paper was released on 1 May 2012 to form a basis for consultation for the Age Barriers to Work Inquiry. It is intended to encourage informed community participation in the Inquiry by providing some background information and highlighting the issues so far identified by the ALRC as relevant with respect to each of

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Responses to ALRC National Classification Scheme Review Issues Paper (IP40) – graphical representation of submissions

Compiled by Professor Terry Flew, ALRC Commissioner. This report provides an overview of responses to the Classification Review Issues Paper using text analytics software. (This document was published in two stages. Analysis of Questions 1-3, 12, 16 and 24-25 were published in November 2011. The remainder were added in February 2012.)

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National Classification Scheme Review (DP 77)

This Discussion Paper was released on 30 September 2011. Submissions closed on Friday 18 November 2011. The ALRC has also produced a Discussion Paper Summary, which provides an overview of the policy framework and the proposals and questions, and is designed for stakeholders who already have a considerable understanding of the various issues in focus.

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National Classification Scheme Review (DP 77 Summary)

This Discussion Paper Summary provides an overview of the policy framework and the proposals and questions contained in the full Discussion Paper. The full Discussion Paper, National Classification Scheme Review (DP 77), sets out in detail the issues raised by the Terms of Reference, the research behind the proposals and questions and a thorough analysis

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