Incarceration Rates of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples (DP 84)
DP 84 was released on 19 July 2017.The Terms of Reference for this Inquiry ask the ALRC to consider laws and legal frameworks that contribute to the incarceration rate of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and inform decisions to hold or keep Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in custody. The ALRC was asked to …
Read moreElder Abuse (DP 83)
This is the second consultation document for the Elder Abuse Inquiry, in which the ALRC has been asked to consider existing Commonwealth laws and frameworks which seek to safeguard and protect older persons from misuse or abuse by formal and informal carers, supporters, representatives and others, and to examine the interaction and relationship of these …
Read moreElder Abuse (IP 47)
This Issues Paper was released on 15 June 2016. Submissions closed on 18 August 2016. Information about the Elder Abuse Inquiry is available in 20 community languages.
Read moreTraditional Rights and Freedoms—Encroachments by Commonwealth Laws (ALRC Interim Report 127)
This is the 2nd consultation document for the ‘Freedoms’ Inquiry. The Terms of Reference list 19 rights, freedoms and privileges to consider.
Read moreTraditional Rights and Freedoms—Encroachments by Commonwealth Laws (IP 46)
The first consultation document in the ALRC’s ‘Freedoms Inquiry’, a review of Commonwealth laws for consistency with traditional rights, freedoms and privileges.
Read moreReview of the Native Title Act 1993 (DP 82)
The second consultation document in the ALRC’s review of the Native Title Act.
Read moreEquality, Capacity and Disability in Commonwealth Laws (DP 81)
The second consultation document in the ALRC’s Inquiry into Commonwealth laws and legal frameworks that deny or diminish the equal recognition of people with disability before the law, and their ability to exercise legal capacity.
Read moreEasy English: Equality, Capacity and Disability in Commonwealth Laws DP 81
The ALRC is looking at laws that treat people with disability unfairly.This Discussion Paper is written in Easy English. We use simple words and pictures to show ideas.Submissions close on Monday 30 June 2014.Information about making a submission is also available in Easy English and Auslan.The full version of this Discussion Paper is available here:
Read moreSerious Invasions of Privacy in the Digital Era (DP 80)
This Discussion Paper includes proposals for reform, including for a new Commonwealth Act that would provide for a statutory cause of action for serious invasions of privacy and, in addition, other innovative ways the law might prevent or redress serious invasions of privacy.
Read moreReview of the Native Title Act 1993 (IP 45)
The first consultation document for this Inquiry.
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