269. This paper outlines some of the key issues to which the ALRC has been alerted early in its Inquiry. However, the ALRC also welcomes comment on other exceptions in the Copyright Act—particularly submissions that consider how the exceptions might be amended to operate more effectively in the digital environment. Should some exceptions be removed entirely? Should other exceptions be introduced?
270. The suite of statutory exceptions, like much of the rest of the Copyright Act, has been criticised for being unnecessarily complex. This is particularly unfortunate for laws which need to be understood by members of the public and small-to-medium size businesses who create and use copyright material. The ALRC is also interested in views on how new and existing free-use exceptions in the Copyright Act might be simplified and better structured so as to contribute to a more straightforward and comprehensible copyright regime for Australia.
Question 48. What problems, if any, are there with the operation of the other exceptions in the digital environment? If so, how should they be amended?
Question 49. Should any specific exceptions be removed from the Copyright Act 1968 (Cth)?
Question 50. Should any other specific exceptions be introduced to the Copyright Act 1968 (Cth)?
Question 51. How can the free-use exceptions in the Copyright Act 1968 (Cth) be simplified and better structured?