Issue 9 | 29 November 2013. View original format.
Final report delivered to Attorney-General
The final Report in the Copyright Inquiry, Copyright and the Digital Economy (ALRC Report 122), has been completed and presented to the Attorney-General, as required by the Terms of Reference. The Report is the result of an 18-month Inquiry during which the ALRC produced two consultation documents—an Issues Paper and aDiscussion Paper—ran an online discussion forum, conducted 109 consultations and received over 860 submissions.
Under the leadership of Professor McKeough, the Copyright team was also assisted by the expertise of its standing part-time Commissioners—all judges of the Federal Court of Australia and all experienced intellectual property judges: the Hon Justice Susan Kenny, the Hon Justice John Middleton and the Hon Justice Nye Perram. As well, the ALRC constituted an Advisory Committee of 24 highly esteemed experts from various areas intersecting with copyright that met three times during the Inquiry. We also convened four industry-specific roundtable meetings: with creators, the cultural sector, the GLAM sector, and the music industry. We are extremely grateful for their advice and feedback and for giving so generously of their time.
We also thank everyone who engaged with the Inquiry through consultations and submissions—these are vital to the ALRC process.
Most importantly, we thank Professor Jill McKeough who now ends her term as ALRC Commissioner. Jill has led the Copyright team with intelligence and purpose and has ensured that over the course of this very complex and contested Inquiry, our many stakeholders have been able to have their say and have their views deeply considered.
Under the ALRC Act, the government now has 15 parliamentary sitting days within which to table the Report. Once tabled it will become a public document. The Report will then be available from the ALRC website in a variety of formats, including as an ebook.
We will let you know as soon as the report is available via this enews.