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Presentations & Articles


Celebrating Women in the Judiciary

Women Lawyers Association of New South Wales, 29 July 2010, Keynote address by Professor Rosalind Croucher, President, Australian Law Reform Commission. Justice Jane Matthews, Patron of this honourable association; Mary Snell, Madame President; Attorney-General; Your Honours and very Honourable Mesdames! Twenty New South Welshwomen appointed to the bench in the past two years. What an

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Occasional Address, University of Southern Queensland Graduation

Professor Rosalind Croucher, President, Australian Law Reform Commission, 21 May 2010 at Sydney Olympic Park Introduction Chancellor, Vice-Chancellor, graduands, family and friends, it is a great pleasure to be here tonight. I was last in this precinct for the opening of the Sydney Olympic Games, singing with a thousand (and more) keen choristers from all

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Navigating the Maze – Family Violence Inquiry, JD Guest Lecture

Professor Rosalind Croucher, President, Australian Law Reform Commission. University of Melbourne The text below does not include the original footnotes. Download PDF for full version.Introduction In speaking to you today I will be looking at law reform, using the ALRC’s current inquiry into family violence as the illustration, in order to demonstrate the challenges of

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Voiceless Animal Law Lecture Series

David Weisbrot, President, Australian Law Reform Commission, at Sydney Law School, The University of Sydney, 19 May 2009 | Panel Discussion (David Weisbrot AM, Celeste Black, Peter Sankoff, chaired by Katrina Sharman)1.  David: As President of the ALRC, you spend a lot of time looking at deficiencies in certain laws and making recommendations for change.

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Launch of Reform 93: Native Title and the ALRC’s inaugural RAP

David Weisbrot, Tranby College Glebe, 8 April 2009Part one, c11.15amThank you Lyndon Coombes, for that Introduction—and for allowing us the use of these wonderful facilities at Tranby Aboriginal College.  This year the ALRC and Tranby have forged a special relationship, and one that I am sure will remain warm and productive into the future. And thank you very

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Delenda Est Carthago!’ Sir Robert Richard Torrens and his attack on the evils of conveyancing and dependent land titles: a reflection on the sesquicentenary of the introduction of his great law reforming initiative

 By Professor Rosalind F Croucher [1], ALRC Commissioner, presented as the Alex Castles Memorial Legal History Lecture for Flinders University Law School, Adelaide, 26 August 2008.‘Carthage must be destroyed!’ exclaimed Robert Richard Torrens in concluding his First Reading Speech in introducing his Bill to amend the law of real property in South Australia. Who or what was the Carthage that

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Scrutinising Privacy – ALRC Discussion Paper

Justice Berna Collier, Part-time Commissisoner, Australian Law Reform Commission, QLS Government Lawyers Conference, Brisbane, Thursday 17 April 2008. On 30 January 2006 the then federal Attorney-General, Philip Ruddock, referred a review of the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) to the Australian Law Reform Commission for inquiry and report. The task of the ALRC was to consider the extent to

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Opening of AAL Symposium – Remarks

Prof David Weisbrot AM, President Australian Law Reform Commission, 17 July 2007, Government House, BrisbaneYour Excellency, Chief Justices, Attorneys-General, Fellows and most distinguished guestsAt long last. It is with great pleasure — and some considerable relief — that I am here to help launch, after several years of hard work, planning and preparation, Australia’s newest learned

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Opening of AAL Symposium – Opening remarks

Prof David Weisbrot AM, President Australian Law Reform Commission, 17 July 2007, Government House, BrisbaneThe basic theme of our Symposium today is: What do we need to do to maintain professional identity and a healthy legal culture in a period of dynamic change — and I will soon turn over to my colleague Prof Ros Croucher

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Legal Studies Association, after dinner address

Prof David Weisbrot AM. President, Australian Law Reform Commission, Rydges Hotel, Rosehill, 22 March 2007 Introduction Thank you very much, Tracey, for that generous introduction. I very much enjoyed participating in the Legal Studies Association’s program last March, and I feel especially honoured to have been asked to deliver the After Dinner Address at this

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