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Media releases

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Professor Terry Flew appointed as ALRC Commissioner for the National Classification Scheme Review

The ALRC welcomes the appointment of Professor Terry Flew as Commissioner in charge of its National Classification Scheme Review. Professor Flew is currently Professor of Media and Communication in the Creative Industries Faculty at Queensland University of Technology, and joins the ALRC for the duration of this inquiry. Professor Flew is a prolific author in

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ALRC releases Issues Papers on Family Violence and Commonwealth Laws

The Australian Law Reform Commission (ALRC) today released the first in a series of four Issues Papers for its current Inquiry into Family Violence and Commonwealth Laws. In November 2010, the ALRC (with the NSW Law Reform Commission) completed its first inquiry into family violence with the release of the report, Family Violence: A National

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ALRC releases Consultation Paper on Discovery

The Australian Law Reform Commission (ALRC) today released a Consultation Paper for the Inquiry into Discovery of Documents in Federal Courts—Discovery in Federal Courts (ALRC CP 2, 2010). The 2009 Access to Justice Taskforce report—established by the Commonwealth Attorney-General’s Department, which recommended that the ALRC conduct this Inquiry—noted that the high and disproportionate cost of

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Improving safety the key aim of the ALRC/NSWLRC Family Violence Report

The Australian and NSW Law Reform Commissions today released their Final Report, Family Violence—A National Legal Response containing 187 Recommendations for reform.

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Panel Discussion, Melbourne, 17 November: Conduct of Lawyers in Discovery: Room for Improvement?

The Australian Law Reform Commission is currently reviewing the laws relating to discovery of documents in federal litigation and will shortly release a Consultation Paper. Please join us for an inquiring and invigorating roundtable discussion focusing on the conduct of lawyers and ethical obligations in discovery in Melbourne on 17 November 2010.

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Three part-time Commissioners appointed to the ALRC

The ALRC welcomes  the re-appointment of Justice Berna Collier to the ALRC for a further period of three years, along with the appointment of two new part-time Commissioners specifically for the current Inquiry into Discovery of Documents in Federal Courts, the Honourable Justice Arthur Emmett and the Honourable Justice Bruce Lander—both for a period of

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ALRC to review Discovery in Federal Courts to Improve Access to Justice

On 10 May 2010, the Australian Law Reform Commission (ALRC) received Terms of Reference from the Commonwealth Attorney-General, the Hon Robert McClelland MP, for an Inquiry to look into discovery of documents in litigation in federal courts.The Terms of Reference ask the ALRC to focus on issues of: the law, practice and management of the

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ALRC/NSWLRC release Consultation Paper on Family Violence Reform

The Australian Law Reform Commission (ALRC) and the NSW Law Reform Commission (NSWLRC) today released the much anticipated Consultation Paper for the joint Inquiry into family violence laws—Family Violence: Improving Legal Frameworks (Consultation Paper 1). ALRC President, Professor Rosalind Croucher said that over 60 individuals and organisations from around Australia working in the areas of family

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ALRC reforms strike a blow to the old culture of secrecy

Secrecy laws, and the prosecution of public servants for the unauthorised disclosure of Commonwealth information, can sit uneasily with the Australian Government’s commitment to open and accountable government. The final report of the Australian Law Reform Commission’s comprehensive review of Commonwealth secrecy laws, Secrecy Laws and Open Government in Australia (ALRC Report 112) was tabled

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ALRC recommends ‘two-tier’ plan for flexible, cost-effective public inquiries

Costs associated with expensive Royal Commissions could be reduced by establishing an alternative, second tier of public inquiry with proper investigatory powers and appropriate levels of transparency and protections for those involved, Australia’s leading law reform agency said today.The review of Royal Commissions and other federal inquiries by the Australian Law Reform Commission (ALRC) has

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