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ALRC seeks input into its Inquiry into legal barriers to mature age persons participating in the workforce and other productive work

The Australian Law Reform Commission today released an Issues Paper for its Inquiry into legal barriers to mature age participation in the workforce and other productive work—Grey Areas: Age Barriers to Work in Commonwealth Laws (ALRC IP 41, 2012). Australia’s population is ageing rapidly. By 2044–45 almost one in four Australians will be aged 65

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ALRC Recommends a New National Classification Scheme

“Australia needs a new classification scheme that applies consistent rules to media content on all platforms—in cinemas, on television, on DVDs and on the internet,” said Professor Terry Flew, Commissioner in charge of the ALRC’s review of the National Classification Scheme. “But the scheme also needs to be flexible, so it can adapt to new

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Age Discrimination Commissioner Susan Ryan appointed as Part-time Commissioner for the Barriers to Mature-Aged Workplace Participation Inquiry

Australian Law Reform Commission President, Professor Rosalind Croucher, today welcomed the appointment by the Attorney-General, the Hon Nicola Roxon MP, of the Hon Susan Ryan AO as a part-time Commissioner for the ALRC’s inquiry into barriers to work for older persons. Professor Croucher stated, “It is an honour to have Susan Ryan join the ALRC

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Professor Jill McKeough appointed as ALRC Commissioner for the Copyright Inquiry

The Attorney-General, the Hon Nicola Roxon MP, has announced the appointment of Professor Jill McKeough as Commissioner in charge of the ALRC’s Inquiry into Copyright Law. Professor McKeough is currently Dean of Law at the University of Technology, Sydney and will take leave from this position to join the ALRC for the duration of this

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ALRC releases Family Violence and Commonwealth Laws Report

The Australian Law Reform Commission today released its second report addressing family violence, Family Violence and Commonwealth Laws—Improving Legal Frameworks (ALRC 117, 2011). Together with its first family violence report in 2010, the two reports provide 289 recommendations for reform, amounting to a major contribution to the Australian Government’s agenda to improve the safety of

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ALRC Discussion Paper proposes fundamental reform of the classification system

“In an age of media convergence, Australia needs a 21st century classification system that is more platform-neutral, concentrates government regulation on media content of most concern to the community, and a system that can be adapted to accelerated media innovation,” said Professor Terry Flew, Commissioner in charge of the National Classification Scheme Review. “The goals

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ALRC releases Discussion Papers on Family Violence and Commonwealth Laws

The Australian Law Reform Commission (ALRC) today released its Discussion Paper for the current Inquiry into family violence and commonwealth laws, Family Violence—Commonwealth Laws (DP 76), and is calling for submissions on over 30 proposals for reform.In November 2010, the ALRC (with the NSW Law Reform Commission) completed its first inquiry into family violence with

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ALRC recommends a facilitative approach to discovery in federal courts

Advocating a facilitative approach that emphasises the role of the judiciary in robust case management, particularly in large and complex cases, is one of the key reforms suggested by the Australian Law Reform Commission (ALRC) in its most recent inquiry into the process of discovery in federal courts. The ALRC’s final report—Managing Discovery: Discovery of

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ALRC releases an Issues Paper for the National Classification Scheme Review

The Australian Law Reform Commission (ALRC) today released an issues paper for its inquiry into the National Classification Scheme—National Classification Scheme Review Issues Paper (ALRC IP 40, 2011). The ALRC has been asked to report on the extent to which the Classification (Publications, Films and Computer Games) Act 1995, state and territoryenforcement legislation, schedules 5

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Professor Terry Flew appointed as ALRC Commissioner for the National Classification Scheme Review

The ALRC welcomes the appointment of Professor Terry Flew as Commissioner in charge of its National Classification Scheme Review. Professor Flew is currently Professor of Media and Communication in the Creative Industries Faculty at Queensland University of Technology, and joins the ALRC for the duration of this inquiry. Professor Flew is a prolific author in

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