Past Inquiries


Complaints against police

The Australian Law Reform Commission received its first reference in May 1975 and issued a working paper before concluding its final report Complaints Against Policy (ALRC Report 1), tabled in federal Parliament on 7 August 1975.The proposals in ALRC Report 1 were substantially accepted by the then federal Government and included in the Australia Police Bill

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Human tissue transplants

ALRC Report 7 considered not only the use of human tissue and organs for transplantation but the use of dead bodies for the teaching and practice of anatomy and for the performance of post-mortem examinations. The report gave consideration to present and impending human and social problems of profound importance such as euthanasia, the ‘right

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Criminal investigation

This report, Criminal Investigation, arose out of the first reference given to the Commission. The Commission had split the work into the work on police complaints and the work on criminal investigation. The report on police complaints (ALRC Report 1) was tabled in August 1975.ALRC Report 2 identified that the primary objective of criminal investigation

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Alcohol, drugs and driving

ALRC Report 4 considered the problems in the application of the laws of the Australian Capital Territory designed to control the driving of motor vehicles by persons who had consumed alcohol or other intoxicating drugs.The report inquired into technical matters such as procedures and types of equipment for breath and other testing, the correlation between

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