
Law Reform – Future Directions

When I was invited (almost 12 months ago now) to speak at this conference and on this topic, I felt relatively confident that after a year in the role as President of the ALRC, I might have some useful thoughts to share with you about future directions in law reform. That confidence evaporated rapidly when I began preparing theses remarks.
I have identified two main reasons for that loss of confidence (in addition to the obvious point that it is not a topic that lends itself naturally to humour). The first, and most important, reason has been the realisation of just how little influence the ALRC itself has in the topics that will be selected for future law reform references and the degree of political expediency involved the topics that are referred to the Commission. The second reason is the great uncertainty that surrounds the funding of the ALRC and the obvious challenge such uncertainty presents for ensuring that the ALRC can attract and retain a legal team of the highest quality.

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Litigation Funding: Access and Ethics

Speaking at the Australian Academy of Law lecture in Brisbane,  4 Oct 2018, the Hon Justice S C Derrington, President of the ALRC, provided some background to Litigation Funding and Class Actions in Australia, and around the world.  “Against this background, I turn to consider the overarching principles by which the ALRC has been guided

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Class Actions Seminar Series Presentation Slides

Australian Law Reform Commission Seminar on Class Action Proceedings and Third-party Litigation Funders Reform   The Australian Law Reform Commission held three seminars where the ALRC presented the various responses to the proposals of the Discussion Paper on Class Action Proceedings and Third-party Litigation Funders, and sought views on amended and new ideas for reform. The

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Professor Helen Rhoades Presentation at 2018 AIFS Conference

On 27 July 2018, Professor Rhoades presented at the annual Australian Institute of Family Studies Conference.Dowload the speech here

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Access to justice in modern legal practice – what does it mean?

But what does access to justice mean? Is there a difference between a justice system and a
legal system? Does a legal system pre-suppose that justice is the end goal? And what, in any
event, is encompassed by notions of justice?

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The Perfect Storm: the evolution of Australia’s elder abuse crisis Panel Discussion

On 7 September 2017, Matt Corrigan joined the panel discussion with The Hon Dr Kay Patterson AO (Age Discrimination Commissioner) and Melanie Joosten at the Community Legal Centres Queensland Justice in Focus Series.

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Elder Abuse—A National Legal Response | 2017 World Elder Abuse Awareness Day Forum

Elder Abuse Reform Symposium, Melbourne Town Hall,  World Elder Abuse Awareness Day, 15 June 2017, Emeritus Professor Rosalind F Croucher AM,  President, Australian Law Reform Commission*AudioTranscript[Note: Professor Croucher spoke to this paper, so the text below is not an exact transcript of the recording of the presentation—some comments were added, especially at the beginning; and some

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Supporting Older People in Exercising and Protecting Their Rights—Insights from the ALRC’s Disability and Elder Abuse Inquiries

Keynote Address, ADA National Conference, ‘Human Rights & Social Justice: Shifting Client Control’, Surfers Paradise, Queensland, 23 March 2017, Emeritus Professor Rosalind F Croucher AM, President, Australian Law Reform Commission*Abstract: The ALRC’s Disability inquiry embodied the paradigm shift of the UNCRPD to supported decision making and, as a first principle, that all adults have an

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