The future of law reform: Constitutional and Immigration Issues
Tuesday 18th June 2019
5.00pm until 6.00pm
Room 920, Level 9, Melbourne Law School
The Australian Law Reform Commission and the University of Melbourne Law School are pleased to present a panel discussion on the future of legal and constitutional reform in Australia. The discussion progresses the ALRC’s new project seeking public input to assist in identifying areas of Australian law which may benefit from reform. The project generally will be broad‐ranging and will consider suggestions relating to any area of law. However, this panel event will focus on issues relating to the Australian Constitution, and also Immigration.
The ALRC has identified a common theme in previous ALRC inquiries that the Australian Constitution has frequently presented challenges for the effective functioning of the legal system, or has constrained options for law reform. There is also significant concern with the unwieldy nature of the immigration legal framework – the Migration Act is one of the largest pieces of Commonwealth legislation, and has been amended frequently.
Expert speakers at this event will explore aspects of each of constitutional law and immigration law that may be ripe for future reform. Panel members include Professor Cheryl Saunders, Professor Adrienne Stone, Professor Susan Kneebone, and Human Rights Law Centre Legal Director Katie Robertson. Discussions and suggestions made at the event will be considered by the ALRC in developing a proposed multi‐year programme of law reform inquiries for the consideration of the Commonwealth Attorney‐General.
Join Professor Matthew Harding, Deputy Dean of Melbourne Law School, and Justice John Middleton, Commissioner with the ALRC, for an interactive evening discussing law reform priorities with the potential to shape the future of Australian law.
Places are limited. Registration is free.
To find out more, visit www.alrc.gov.au/inquiries/where‐next‐law‐reform.
Note: The event will be live streamed, and the link will be available on the event page.