Monday 17 MAY 2021 at 1.00PM AEST
Can Australian financial services regulation be simplified?
Join the ALRC to explore the initial findings of its current inquiry.
This free, interactive webinar will explore the Australian Law Reform Commission’s preliminary findings on the regulatory framework for corporations and financial services in Australia.
Presented in partnership with Wolters Kluwer CCH Learning, this 90 minute webinar is part of the ALRC’s current inquiry into the potential simplification of corporate and financial services regulation in Australia.
The ALRC is tasked with making recommendations to facilitate a more adaptive, efficient, and navigable framework of legislation within the context of existing policy settings. The ultimate goal is to achieve a legislative regime that facilitates compliance with the substance and intent of the law.
The webinar will situate the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) at the heart of a complex ecosystem of legislative and non-legislative norms, rules, modifications and exemptions, overlaid with extensive regulatory guidance.
This ecosystem reflects overlapping, and occasionally conflicting, interventions by Government, regulators, the Parliament, and a range of other actors. These actors include other rule- and norm-creating entities such as the Australian Financial Complaints Authority, the Financial Adviser Standards and Ethics Authority, and the Australian Stock Exchange, as well as businesses, industry bodies, and consumer advocates.
Building on extensive empirical analysis undertaken by the ALRC, the webinar will present the ALRC’s research on the nature and volume of legislative and non-legislative rules and guidance, including the use of definitions and the modification of the Corporations Act through legislative and non-legislative instruments.
The webinar will invite reflection on the current regulatory architecture, as well as consideration of alternative legislative designs for the regulation of corporations and financial services in Australia.
The Hon Justice S C Derrington
President, Australian Law Reform Commission and Judge, Federal Court of Australia
The Hon Justice John Middleton
Part-time Commissioner, Australian Law Reform Commission and Judge, Federal Court of Australia
Nicholas Simoes da Silva
Legal Officer, Australian Law Reform Commission
Download May 17 Webinar Leaflet
ALRC Webinar: Comparative Perspectives on Financial Services Regulation