Consultation documents released!
The ALRC and NSWLRC are pleased to announce the release of the Consultation Paper for this inquiry, Family Violence—Improving Legal Frameworks (ALRC CP1). You can request a copy on CDROM from the ALRC, or access it in PDF and RTF formats via the ALRC website. Printed copies will be available in mid May on request. As indicated in last month’s newsletter, we have also released a Consultation Paper Summary (ALRC CPS1) that includes all the questions and proposals from the larger document, but with less of the background research and thinking around them. We encourage you to use the summary document to frame your submissions and comments to us.
- Consultation Paper
- Consultation Paper Summary
- List of Questions and Proposals (PDF) (RTF)
CLOSING DATE FOR SUBMISSIONS IS 04 JUNE 2010. Late submissions may not be able to be considered.
The importance of what we are trying to achieve—a more integrated, seamless and accessible system of justice that will help people dealing with family violence and sexual assault, to have their voices heard— makes it imperative that we get our proposals for reform right. Maximum stakeholder input is critical at this stage and we urge you to make a submission to the Inquiry.
With this inquiry the ALRC has developed new ways for stakeholders to make submissions and informal contributions:
1. We strongly encourage stakeholders to use the ALRC online submission form (see below) to complete a guided question-by-question submission
2. Join the Family Violence Inquiry Blog to make comments and discuss questions and proposals in a public arena (see below)
3. Write a submission and email or post it to the ALRC
4.Submit general comments using the online comment box.
Family Violence Inquiry Online Submission Form
The ALRC has designed a new online submission form that enables people to respond in a focused way, addressing the individual questions and proposals set out in the Consultation Paper.
Each question / proposal is followed by an area to type (or cut and paste) a response. There is also the option to upload a pre-prepared submission or supporting document if necessary. You are not required to answer all the questions. You may respond to as many or as few questions/proposals as you would like to. Your online submission can be marked “confidential” if you so wish.
Due to the number of questions and proposals, stakeholders wishing to address more than a few may need to do so in more than one sitting. The form allows registered users to save incomplete submissions as drafts, then complete and submit them at a later date.
More information is available at the Family Violence Inquiry Online Submissions site. If you need any help using this site, or have any questions, please email the Web Manager or phone (02) 8238 6333.
This online submission form is a pilot project for the ALRC as we endeavour to find ways of simplifying the submission process for stakeholders. We would be very pleased to receive feedback.
Family Violence Inquiry Blog
This blog has been set up to enable public discussion and debate around questions and proposals contained in the Consultation Document. The invitation to join this discussion is open to all.
Unlike the Online Submission Form (above) all comments made on this site will be completely public. The ALRC may use comments made on the blog and quote them in its publications, however in that instance quotes will not be attributed to an individual, but to the blog generally.
Details about how to use this site are available on the Family Violence Inquiry Blog. If you need any help using this site, or have any questions, please email the Web Manager or phone (02) 8238 6333.
This, too, is a pilot project for the ALRC.