Issue 2 | 26 September 2013. View original format.
What we’ve been up to
Since our last e-news the team have been busy with research and consultations. We have met with a range of stakeholders in Sydney and Melbourne, and have spoken with others across Australia by telephone. In October and November the team travel to Albury, Wodonga, Canberra and Brisbane, with Part-Time ALRC Commissioners Graeme Innes and Justice Berna Collier joining us for some of those consultations. We will be heading to Melbourne and Perth for consultations early in 2014.
The team have also attended a range of important forums including a restrictive practices forum hosted by Queensland Advocacy Incorporated in Brisbane, and the People with Disability Australia Election Q&A in Sydney. Next week we will be presenting at the NSW Disability Network Forum.
On 10 September 2013, President Rosalind Croucher and Acting Senior Legal Officer Amanda Alford attended a screening of Twenty Years: Twenty Stories at the Australian Human Rights Commission.Twenty Years: Twenty Stories is a series of inspiring short films marking the 20th anniversary of the Disability Discrimination Act 1992 (Cth). They are a ‘must see’! To view the films go to: www.humanrights.gov.au/twentystories
Save the date!
The Disability Inquiry team are writing the first consultation document for the Disability Inquiry, the Issues Paper. It will discuss some of the problems that have been raised in our research and consultations so far and will include questions where we need to tease out the issues much further and need more information from the community. When we release the Issues Paper we will call for submissions, asking people to respond to the questions and provide general feedback.
We expect to have the Issues Paper on the ALRC website in the final week of October. We will notify you via this e-news as soon as it is available, but encourage people and organisations to put time aside over November to prepare submissions. The submission period will be 6 weeks, closing before the Christmas period.
We really value community input into our processes and we ask you to encourage other people in your family or your networks to become involved in the Inquiry and to subscribe to this e-news.
Easy English
The ALRC provides consultation papers and final reports in a range of formats, including HTML, PDF and ebook, to make our work as accessible as possible. For the Disability Inquiry, the ALRC will also provide Easy English versions. Easy English is an accessible format that uses simple, everyday language and illustrations.
Ahead of the Issues Paper, we have prepared an Easy English description of the ALRC Law Reform Process.