The Attorney-General of Australia, the Hon Mark Dreyfus KC MP, has today announced an extension to the reporting deadline for the Australian Law Reform Commission’s (ALRC’s) Inquiry on Religious Educational Institutions and Anti-Discrimination Laws.
The report, which was initially due on 21 April 2023, will now be delivered to the Attorney General by 31 December 2023.
The extension responds to a request made by the ALRC in late February for further time to consider more than 420 submissions received in response to its Consultation Paper on reform proposals, and more than 40,000 survey responses.
Part-Time Commissioner tasked with leading the Inquiry, the Hon Justice Stephen Rothman AM, said that the ALRC was pleased to have been granted further time to work through the issues raised by stakeholders in relation to proposed reforms.
“The issues raised by this Inquiry are of great significance to a large number of Australians. It is important that the Commission considers the many varied perspectives thoroughly and sensitively.”
The extension will also enable the ALRC to engage further with its Advisory Committee in finalising its recommendations, but will not involve another round of broad consultations in light of the large volume of submission and survey responses already received.