ALRC InBrief | March 2021

Judicial impartiality seminar stimulates important discussions

On Tuesday 2 March 2020 the Australian Law Reform Commission (ALRC) co-hosted a panel seminar with the Australian Academy of Law at the Federal Court of Australia in Sydney. The expert panel explored issues of public confidence, apprehended bias, and the modern federal judiciary. The ‘sold out’ event provided a conducive format for discussion relevant to the ALRC’s current review of judicial impartiality. Insightful presentations were complemented by questions from an international online and in-person viewing audience facilitating thoughtful considerations and lively conversation.

View the Seminar Recording >>

AAL/ALRC Seminar title slide


Aged Care Royal Commission and ALRC align on aged care reforms

After an extensive two-year consultation and submission process, the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety has published its much anticipated Final Report (‘the Aged Care Report’) in which it makes 148 recommendations aimed at improving standards of care in the aged care sector. The report is not light reading and highlights the urgent need for reform across the sector to ensure that aged care recipients are treated with care and dignity at all times.

A number of the recommendations from the Royal Commission are not new and have been made in numerous past reports including by the Australian Law Reform Commission (ALRC) in its Elder Abuse – A National Legal Response Report (‘Elder Abuse Report’) in 2017.

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The Hon Justice Craig Grierson ColvinCommissioner appointed to ALRC Financial Services Legislation Inquiry

The Australian Law Reform Commission (ALRC) welcomes the appointment by Commonwealth Attorney-General, the Hon Christian Porter MP, of the Hon Justice Craig Colvin as a part-time Commissioner for the review of the legislative framework for corporations and financial services regulation.

Justice Colvin is a Perth-based Federal Court Judge with extensive experience in commercial and civil disputes, particularly in the areas of economic regulation.

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You’re almost 20, Corporations Act

The ALRC’s William Isdale (Senior Legal Officer) and Nicholas da Silva (Legal Officer) recently wrote a light-hearted dialogue in which a discontented mother and father implore their son (the Corporations Act) to grow up. The script is a culmination of lunchtime discussion and debate as the ALRC considers simplification of corporations and financial services regulation.

Father: Corporations Act 2001 (Cth), could you come here please?  Your mother and I would like to speak with you. 

[Enter Corporations Act.]

Father: Son, this year you’re turning 20 years old. Your mother and I are proud of you – you’ve achieved a lot: a nationally consistent regulation of basic company law, insolvency, financial markets, products and services, among so much else. However, we are concerned about you. You need to grow up.

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Save the date: Financial Services Webinars

The Regulatory Ecosystem for Financial Services in Australia
Monday, 17 May 2021, 1.00pm AEST
This webinar will explore the ALRC’s preliminary findings on the regulatory framework for corporations and financial services in Australia.

Comparative Perspectives of Financial Services Regulation
Monday 24 May 2021, 5.00pm AEST
This webinar boasts an international panel exploring how key terms and concepts, such as financial products and services, are defined and delineated for the purposes of corporations and financial services regulation in different jurisdictions.

Read more about the Financial Services Legislation Inquiry >>

Judicial Impartiality Consultation Paper due 30 April 2021

In undertaking the review of judicial impartiality, the ALRC will consult widely with the legal profession, courts, tribunals and the broader community. A consultation paper will be released at the end April 2021, and a formal call for submissions will be made at that time.

Read more about the Judicial Impartiality Inquiry >>

Judicial Impartiality Inquiry Timeline Diagram