ALRC review of the federal civil justice system
General In launching the Managing Justice report in February 2000, Attorney-General Daryl Williams AM QC MP noted that he supported its general thrust. In June 2003, the Australian Government released its response to the report, addressing each of the 138 recommendations of the report. In this response, the government noted that “almost half of the Commission’s …
Read moreALRC submission to inquiry into the Future Direction and Role of the Scrutiny of Bills Committee
Senate Standing Committee for the Scrutiny of Bills Inquiry into the Future Direction and Role of the Scrutiny of Bills Committee.The ALRC welcomes the opportunity to contribute to a discussion on the future direction and role of this very important Committee.In order to assist the Committee with its inquiry, the ALRC has conducted a survey …
Read moreOpening of AAL Symposium – Remarks
Prof David Weisbrot AM, President Australian Law Reform Commission, 17 July 2007, Government House, BrisbaneYour Excellency, Chief Justices, Attorneys-General, Fellows and most distinguished guestsAt long last. It is with great pleasure — and some considerable relief — that I am here to help launch, after several years of hard work, planning and preparation, Australia’s newest learned …
Read morePromoting a healthy legal culture the focus of new Australian Academy of Law
Strengthening the ‘legal culture’ of an increasingly fragmented legal profession will be the focus of Australia’s newest ‘learned academy’, with today’s launch of the Australian Academy of Law (AAL) in Brisbane.In its landmark report on the civil justice system, Managing Justice (2000), the Australian Law Reform Commission (ALRC) highlighted the problems associated with the lack of cohesion …
Read moreReform of the civil justice system and economic growth: Australian experience
Professor David Weisbrot, President, Australian Law Reform Commission, ‘Court Reform and Economic Growth’, Fundación ICO Conference, Madrid, 19 October 2000[Not for quotation or publication without the permission of the author or the Conference organisers.]SynopsisThe Australian Law Reform Commission recently completed its four-year inquiry into the federal civil justice system, culminating in the publication of its …
Read moreManaging Justice: A Review of the Federal Civil Justice System (ALRC Report 89)
ALRC Report 89 (tabled 17 February 2000) represents the culmination of a major four year inquiry, which commenced with terms of reference directing the Commission to consider ‘the need for a simpler, cheaper and more accessible legal system’.The ALRC inquiry focused on practice, procedure and case management in federal civil courts and tribunals, such as …
Read moreReview of the federal civil justice system
The Australian Law Reform Commission’s review of the federal civil justice system was instigated in November 1995 after concerns that Australian legal proceedings were becoming excessively adversarial and that this was having a damaging effect on the delivery of justice.Managing justice: A review of the federal civil justice system (ALRC Report 89) represents the culmination …
Read moreReview of the Federal Civil Justice System (DP 62)
Following a series of consultation, background and issues papers, the Commission released a major Discussion Paper, Review of the Federal Civil Justice System (DP 62) in 1999.As a part of its research for the inquiry, the ALRC undertook and also commissioned empirical research in a number of areas. Several research reports were released with the …
Read moreReview of the Federal Civil Justice System (IPs 20-25)
Six Issues Papers were released in 1997 and 1998: Rethinking the Federal Civil Litigation System (IP 20); Rethinking Legal Education and Training (IP 21); Rethinking Family Law Proceedings (IP 22); Technology – What it Means for Federal Dispute Resolution (IP 23); Federal Tribunal Proceedings (IP 24); and ADR: Its role in Federal Dispute Resolution (IP …
Read moreReview of the Federal Civil Justice System – Background papers
Prior to the release of issue papers in 1998-95, a series of preliminary background papers were produced in 1996: Review of the Adversarial System of Litigation: An Introduction to the Inquiry (Introductory Pamphlet 1); Federal Jurisdiction (BP 1); Alternative or Assisted Dispute Resolution (BP 2); Judicial and Case Management (BP 3); The Unrepresented Party (BP …
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