

The ALRC is grateful for all those who have made a submission in response to the Issues Paper for the Justice Responses to Sexual Violence Inquiry. The ALRC will be publishing all submissions as soon as practicable. In recognition of the sensitivities of some submissions and the ALRC’s commitment to a trauma-informed Inquiry process, the


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Procedures for determining a breach of the Code of Conduct

In accordance with s 15(3) of the Public Service Act 1999 (the Act) the President of the Australian Law Reform Commission (the ALRC), as the agency head of the ALRC, has established procedures for determining whether an APS employee, or former employee, in the ALRC has breached the APS Code of Conduct (the Code), and


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Terms of Reference

I, the Hon Mark Dreyfus KC, Attorney-General of Australia, having regard to: the operation of the Native Title Act 1993 (Cth) (Native Title Act) and the future acts regime for over 30 years the passage of almost a decade since the last review of the Native Title Act (Connection to Country: Review of the Native


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Review of the Future Acts Regime

The ALRC has produced an Information Sheet about the Inquiry, which can be downloaded below: Download the Information Sheet The Australian Law Reform Commission (ALRC) has been asked to inquire into the future acts regime in the Native Title Act 1993 (Cth) (‘Native Title Act’).  This Inquiry forms part of the Government’s commitment in response to the


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Justice Responses to Sexual Violence: Issues Paper (2024)

Submissions in response to the questions raised in the Issues Paper have now closed. The ALRC sincerely thanks everyone who has made a submission. The questions focus on the information, support, and options available to victim survivors following their experience of sexual violence. At the same time, the questions recognise that a person accused of


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WEBINAR Confronting Complexity: The ALRC’s reforms to financial services legislation and beyond

Wednesday 1 May 2024 at 1.00pm AEST Register now After more than 20 years of development, the legislative framework for corporations and financial services legislation is no longer fit for purpose. So, what should reform look like? Join the ALRC for a conversational and interactive analysis of the Final Report in the corporations and financial

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ALRC Religious Educational Institutions and Anti-Discrimination Laws Report tabled in Parliament

The Australian Law Reform Commission (ALRC) has recommended legislative reforms to ensure the Australian Government’s policy regarding anti-discrimination laws and religious educational institutions is given legal effect in accordance with Australia’s international legal obligations. The ALRC’s Report – ‘Maximising the Realisation of Human Rights: Religious Educational Institutions and Anti-Discrimination Laws’, was today tabled in Parliament

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Maximising the Realisation of Human Rights: Religious Educational Institutions and Anti-Discrimination Laws (ALRC Report 142)

The Australian Law Reform Commission report, Maximising the Realisation of Human Rights: Religious Educational Institutions and Anti-Discrimination Laws (ALRC Report 142), was tabled in Parliament by the Attorney-General of Australia, the Hon Mark Dreyfus KC on 21 March 2024.


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FAQs: The Legislative Data Framework

Over the past few years, the ALRC used pioneering data collection and analysis to scrutinise corporations and financial services legislation. Using legislative data, the ALRC was able to show just how complex corporations and financial services legislation is. The ALRC also used that data when developing reforms. This article aims to answer some of the

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The Hon Marcia Neave AO

Marcia Neave is a part-time Commissioner of the ALRC and was appointed on 22 January 2024, with the term expiring on 22 January 2025. Marcia Neave has had a distinguished career having served as a judge, commissioner, law reformer, public policy maker, and academic. After nine years on the Supreme Court of Victoria, Court of


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