Make a submission

The ALRC is seeking submissions in response to the Issues Paper, which contains a number of questions to help guide submissions. It is not essential to respond to all of the questions, and we would like to hear about the questions that matter most to you. Submissions will remain open until Friday, 24 May 2024.

The ALRC Submissions Policy contains information about how we handle and publish submissions. If you would like to make a confidential submission, please select the appropriate checkbox below. The Submissions Policy also contains further information about how the ALRC deals with freedom of information (FOI) requests and compulsory processes (such as a subpoena) in relation to confidential submissions.

The ALRC wishes to respect the ability of people to identify as having experienced sexual violence and to share their experiences in a submission. If you wish to make a public submission with information that identifies you as someone who has experienced sexual violence, please read the important note about public submissions below and select the relevant checkbox when uploading your submission. 

In some circumstances, if a submission discloses sexual offending against a child, the ALRC may be under a duty to report the disclosure.  

Justice Responses to Sexual Violence Submissions Form

  • By submitting you agree to our terms and conditions. You can view our
    Privacy Policy here
  • Drop files here or

Important note about public submissions 

The ALRC wishes to respect the ability of people to identify as having experienced sexual violence and to share their experiences in a submission. However, different laws generally restrict how and when some information can be published if it would identify a victim survivor, a complainant in legal proceedings, or a person accused of committing sexual violence.   

If a submission discloses a person’s experience of sexual violence and the submission is not a confidential submission, the ALRC will publish the submission, but it will redact any information that may identify the person who has experienced sexual violence. This includes the name of the person making the submission and other details that would make it possible to identify that person. In these cases, the submission will appear on the ALRC website with a unique submission number and be identified as ‘Name withheld’. 

If you wish for your submission to be published with information that identifies you as someone who has experienced sexual violence or as a complainant in legal proceedings, please select the relevant checkbox and provide your contact details when uploading your submission. The ALRC may then contact you to obtain the information necessary to satisfy its legal obligations, which may include: 

  • your age; 
  • whether any legal proceedings are ongoing or completed, and in which state or territory; and 
  • written consent for the ALRC to publish identifying information. 

The ALRC will not publish parts of a submission that would identify any person accused of committing a sexual violence offence. The ALRC may publish information that would identify a person who has been convicted of a sexual violence offence where the person’s identity has otherwise been publicly disclosed. 

If you need our support to make a submission you can contact us. This includes: 

  • If you want assistance in making a written submission.  
  • If you would prefer to make a verbal submission.  
  • If you need the support of an interpreter.  
  • If you need a referral to a service provider who can help you make a submission.  


Phone: 0456 972 868, 9 am–5 pm (AEST) Monday–Friday 

We will work with you to ensure you have the support needed to make your submission. We are unable to assist you in making a submission in cases where your submission may relate to ongoing criminal proceedings.