Consumer Experiences in Financial Services: A Research Survey Collaboration
Data collection and analysis have been crucial in the ALRC’s inquiry into the legislative framework for corporations and financial services regulation. During the Inquiry, the ALRC partnered with leading academics and consumer advocacy group CHOICE to commission survey research of consumer understandings and experiences with financial services and the legislative framework for their regulation. The …
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Read moreRECORDING From Ideas to Action: What Interim Report C means for you
Restructuring and reframing the legislative framework for financial services Why does the structure and framing of legislation matter? What are the problems with the current structure of Chapter 7 of the Corporations Act? How can financial services legislation be made easier to navigate and understand? On Monday 10 July 2023, the ALRC hosted a webinar …
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Read moreWEBINAR From Ideas to Action: What Interim Report C means for you
Restructuring and reframing the legislative framework for financial services Monday 10 July 2023 at 1.00pm AEST Register now Everyday objects are easier to use if they are well designed. The same is true of the law. Join the ALRC to examine Interim Report C and what it means for you. Hear about the ALRC’s proposals for …
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Read moreUnpacking and repacking Chapter 7: Improving the structure and framing of financial services legislation
Chapter 7 of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) is like an old cupboard: it is crammed full and poorly organised, with insufficient time set aside for the occasional spring clean. While the first few boxes fit in this cupboard, over time the containers have become mislabeled and inconsistently sorted.
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Read moreThird interim report proposes simpler structure and framing for financial services legislation
Interim Report C includes proposals for restructuring and reframing financial services legislation to make it easier to navigate and understand.
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Read moreRECORDING Crypto Assets and Decentralised Autonomous Organisations Webinar
On 15 February 2023, the Australian Law Reform Commission, in association with the Corporate Law and Financial Regulation Research Program at Melbourne Law School, held a webinar on the regulation of crypto assets and Decentralised Autonomous Organisations (DAOs).
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Read moreCorporations, Financial Services and Charities – Regulatory Complexity and Coherence
On 6 February 2023, Dr Andrew Godwin (Special Counsel and Team Leader at the Australian Law Reform Commission) presented a paper with Professor Rosemary Langford of Melbourne Law School on ‘Corporations, Financial Services and Charities – Regulatory Complexity and Coherence’.
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Read moreWEBINAR Crypto Assets and Decentralised Autonomous Organisations
Wednesday 15 February 2023 at 5.00pm AEDT – The Corporate Law and Financial Regulation Research Program, in association with the Australian Law Reform Commission, invites you to a webinar on the regulation of crypto assets and Decentralised Autonomous Organisations. The webinar will provide an update on regulatory developments in Australia and overseas, and will explore the direction of future reforms.
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Read moreFinancial Services Legislation eNews | January 2023
Stakeholder feedback is crucial for developing recommendations for simplification of corporations and financial services legislation.
In this Background Paper, Reflecting on Reforms II – Submissions to Interim Report B, the ALRC provides an overview of the feedback it has received, by way of formal submissions, on questions and proposals outlined in Interim Report B.
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Read moreUser-friendly legislation: Why we need it, and how to achieve it
Modern smartphones are some of the most technologically sophisticated pieces of equipment ever invented. And yet, to operate one, you don’t need a PhD in computer science or years of experience. For the most part, their operations are intuitive and their functions easily navigable. If only the same could be said for all modern legislation.
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